“Why do you not know how to interpret the present time?” (Luke 12:56).
“The Lord continues to pass by in our life. He tells us of his presence by a variety of signs, but we often do not recognize him. Christ is present in sickness and tribulation which, if we accept God’s Will, can serve to purify us. He exists in the people we work with, in those who need our help, in the members of our family, in the acquaintances of everyday life….
What would our life be like if we really lived the presence of God?” (from In Conversation With God, Vol. 5, Twenty-ninth Week: Friday).
My goal for today (a lofty one, I’ll admit) is to check my e-mails less and to check in with God more often. On this Friday, may He and He alone be the source of my comfort and strength.
Wonderful post. I hope you were able to find more time with Him today.
A good goal, for all of us. Thanks for the reminder.
God Bless, Jen
Margaret – Thank you for sharing this reflection on finding comfort in God alone — for me a very timely reminder! Maybe we can pray for each other to become better at looking to Him and fully embracing each and every moment of His abundant grace?
I love the reminder to let go of the computer. Here are some words a seminarian once shared with me on this (in an email in the 10 Commandments of Email):
Tout your freedom
Don’t be a slave to your inbox! Your apostolate is not to answer emails, but to bring souls to know and love Jesus Christ. Use email as a tool, but recognize that it’s just that: a tool. Dedicate a set time to email, and then work on the other things you need to do. Besides making us more effective apostles, it will help us to achieve balance in our lives.