You know, I realize that toddlers are oral and that they put things in their mouth. I am used to this and try to keep my daughter away from the board games and marbles and whatnot. I know to keep an eye on her in times of peril.
Leave it to Angela, though, to catch me when my guard was down—to sneak up quietly when I was chatting with her brothers in their bedroom, to yank the fish food off their dresser and run laughing down the hallway. And as if the hundreds of fish pellets that were left in her wake weren’t bad enough, she then did a taste test to determine if there was a reason why algae had been missing from her diet.
Yes, there was a reason.
I have a two year old Rosie who, if not watched carefully and constantly, can glue her toes together with Mommy’s nail polish, give herself her own dose of Tylenol (fortunately, just one!), color on all the walls with pencil, crayon and laundry marker, squirt dish soap all over the kitchen floor, make her own bubble bath, eat four of Mommy’s very yummy and very expensive chocolates, open all the seed packets and plant them on the laundry room floor, help the dog eat its dinner, and more. I feel for you. At least they laugh while they do it. There’s something contagious about baby laughter.