We have many Marys in our home.Perhaps unnerving to the casual visitor, there is a life-sized statue of Maria Rosa Mystica in our sitting room. She is lovely! and a gift from my mom & dad (Deacon George) that I treasure. Over the mantle in our family room is a framed image of the Holy Family: inspiration to the many wrestling children and … [Read more...]
Have you made
Jello Jigglers lately? They were called Knox Blocks when I was growing up--ahem--but at any rate they are super easy and heck if the kids don't love 'em. Recipe's on the back of the small-sized Jello box: 4 boxes of Jello & 2 and 1/2 cups boiling water and you're done.Enjoy! … [Read more...]
7 Habits of Highly Effective New School Years
Karen E's post on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective New School Years was very inspiring! I am adding my 7 cents' worth, going with an "art" theme this time around.1. First and foremost, always begin your efforts with prayer. It is said that Fra Angelico painted his beautiful, sacred murals while in a state of ecstasy. Wouldn’t that help our … [Read more...]
I liked my version better.
What I thought I heard: “A day off for Mom!”What Maria actually said: “A day off from Mom!” … [Read more...]
Making the Most of the Time
From today's Mass reading: Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of the time (Ephesians 5:15-16).My husband is taking the kids to Grandma's for the day so that I can get our classroom (i.e. house) in order. What should I tackle first? The thoroughly ransacked art closet? Or John Michael's desk upstairs … [Read more...]
It’s always helpful when
Your daughter goes screeching out of the kitchen and announces: "She's making us yucky things!" … [Read more...]
Saturday Night Date Night
I highly recommend the movie World Trade Center.It is pro-life, pro-Catholic, and a strong witness to the triumph of good over evil.Bring kleenex! … [Read more...]
A Two Cup of Coffee Kind of Day
*Warning: the following contains a graphic description of extreme caffeine consumption. Do you ever have a two cup of coffee kind of day?No, not 2 consecutive cups. I mean simultaneous, as in you're running up and down the stairs so much that you've got 2 different cups going in two different rooms?I didn't think so. I think that I'm just weird. … [Read more...]
Phillippians 4: 13
Yesterday was one of those hopelessly over-booked days when you hit the ground running and don’t stop until you peel back the covers at bedtime. The kind of day where you dread going to bed the night before because you know that when you wake up it will be the kind of day you dread. I knew I could not do it on my own.And so, having bleary-eyed … [Read more...]
Funny, in an Annoying Kind of Way (subtitled: We need to talk to our son about the protocol surrounding his new nerf gun)
Overheard as I shuffled past my 9-year-old this morning: "Shoot! I missed the little French woman!" … [Read more...]