Do you know what I love about All Hallows’ Eve?
I love that it’s followed by the feast of All Saints, and that we go from the super-fun (but ordinary) to the super-celestial and extraordinary!
I love to think of ALL THOSE SAINTS: St. Margaret of Scotland & St. Josemaria Escriva; St. Teresa of Avila & Therese of Lisieux; St. John Bosco; St. Padre Pio; St. Joseph, St. Anne, Mother Mary…
One could, quite literally, go on & on.
Here’s a thought—the briefest of thoughts. When you’re at Mass, today or the next time, look around and imagine this: imagine that you see your very favorite saint, just…sitting in the pew worshiping alongside of you. It’s a powerful exercise, (at least for me), but these saints are real people and they’re out there, interceding!
That’s my thought. The briefest of thoughts.
God love you!
Happy feast day. ♥
Sitting in the pew worshiping alongside me are my guardian angel and St. Joseph.
Love this idea Margaret!