What do you mean, just the flax?
It was meant to be punny. You know, to go with the picture. Have you ever dropped a whole container of flax seeds? Yeah, me neither.
So…you’re going to write a whole blog post about flax seeds?
Good. Why don’t you talk about something worthwhile, then?
You mean, like the terrorist attacks in Paris?
Well, you have an opinion about it, I’m sure.
I do have an opinion but you asked for the flax facts.
Actually, I did ask for the flax, but I’ll take an opinion if you got it.
Okay, but I don’t have time right now. I’m just posting this as a very worthwhile lighthearted prologue because I’m writing a post every day for 30 days, and I have to write and post this in between activities.
Really? What sorts of things did you do today?
I chauffeured kids. What else does one do on a Saturday?
Oh come on, you know you love it.
I do, actually. We get to talk. It does keep a parent hopping, however.
You mean driving?
Yeah. In any case, it felt very good–and very right–to spend time at Feed My Starving Children this morning. The world can be a broken place but love will win in the end. It always does.
That sounds like the theme of your next post.
Woops! It is. Until tomorrow then! Meanwhile, in the words of my beautiful momma…
Help, I pressed the wrong key and lost my comment. I’ll try again. Took my wife and son to our local café for breakfast and lunch. Our Saturday routine is going to the café both times. That way we only have dishes to do after dinner at home. Only one café in our very small town of about 1,200 people. We live in the middle of the highest production of wheat in the Midwest.
Your Saturday routine sounds lovely, Joseph, as does your very small town. 🙂