One of the best parts of my day is that first cup of coffee along with my morning offering. I subscribe to emails from The Catholic Company, (you can subscribe here if you wish), so once my mug of dark roast is brewed, I settle in with the words that come from God to me.
God can take the very same email—or the very same verse, or gesture, or smile—and use it to speak directly to our hearts. The important thing is, we must be receptive.
(I’m not trying to be preachy here but it’s the truth. If we’re too distracted, we won’t hear God’s words)
(And believe me, I know a LOT about being distracted.)
So my advice to you on this late-ish spring day…my counsel (to use a word more in line with the Spirit)…is to be open to all that God sends you today. My family is busy—so BUSY!—right now with planning a grad party and getting our oldest ready for college, but there are always all those little moments that God will send to help me grow.
Like saying “I’m sorry” to your teenage daughter for speaking to her harshly and sarcastically. The hug that followed was so very needed! It lasted for maybe a good half minute and I won’t be forgetting it any time soon.
Or how about smiling at people who don’t smile back? That woman at Lowe’s looked mad and unhappy, but I smiled at her anyway and lifted her up in my heart.
It’s recognizing the moments of grace that God sends. Yours are different than mine, of course, but your day will be full of them, that’s for sure. I promise!
“Little things done with great love,” said St. Therese.
It’s how we grow in holiness even though we’re busy.
I needed to be reminded to smile at and pray for the cranky in my life.
This was incredibly encouraging. Thank you for the reminder to just stay and pray.
You are definitely always led by the Spirit when you write because it always shoots straight to my heart. The little things done with great love….because right now all those little things feel like really big things and my crankiness needs an adjustment. Thank you. If they could, my kids would probably also thank you for your words. 🙂