(To his credit, that rip was already there.)
Happy New Year, everyone! Any advice on where to get a nice couch? I am in earnest when I ask this, as we desperately need something more…intact than this one.
My husband says Craig’s List but I’m like, ew. Also, I’m thinking leather on account of Cate’s allergies, though I did love my pretty green upholstered sofa.
Emphasis on that word “did.”
I always wanted a leather couch. So we got on, with two recliners. While the recliners were not such a great idea, the leather part is good – no stains, durable, relative easy to clean.
That's what I'm thinking, Ellen.
I had to smile at his cute antics! When my son was 2, he unzippered my pillow back couch cushions and emptied the batting EVERYWHERE! I can laugh now…
I hear you on wanting a new couch. 14 years later, still the same couch!
He IS cute, and so earnest! At this point, in terms of our sofa's state of affairs, I'm not too worried about what he does to it.
I got a great deal on a couch at this place several years ago. Their selection changes regularly. http://www.oddsandendsfurniture.com
Thanks for the recommendation, Carolyn. Much appreciated!
I think everybody with a lot of kids (we have 9) eventually gets leather couches, lol! The ability to simply wipe up vomit or whatever just made it the only way to go for us. One of the best decisions we ever made. The first set we got was expensive, reclined, and lasted about 14 years before coming apart at the seams, and suffering breakdown of the mechanical parts. Last year we got a new, much cheaper set with recycled leather and no moving parts. My husband finds it to be less comfortable, but we still have two leather recliners. However, the recycled leather is much thicker and tougher. Hoping these last longer than the last ones, but since they are way cheaper it won't be a big deal if they don't. I like Overstock and Home Decorators for cheap, but decent quality furniture. Good luck, Margaret! 🙂
It's funny you should mention vomit, Robin–we had an incident just this morning! ("I'm so sorry, Momma, but after the first time I qwickly rushed to the bathroom…")
Thank you so much for the recommendations! We will check them out.
LOL! I can relate. As a mom of 6 boys, we never buy furniture any more (see picture above for my why). My friends and relatives know to contact me first when they want to get rid of any furniture they have.
Well, I would love to not have to buy a couch but it's a lot easier than waiting! : )
Plus, oh my goodness, this couch is a wreck.
I have no clue. LOL. Our couch we got in 2006 completely busted in the middle. The recliners we have with it, the bottom part of one blew out the bottom. Because it was the one my fat, pregnant bottom sat in through…four pregnancies? I think I heard it groaning during the last one. My husband refuses to buy more furniture until the kids are grown. Good luck!
My husband has said that very same thing, Jen. If it weren't for my daughter's allergies, I don't know that he'd budge! Still, it's taking us forever to agree and the when & the where & the how much we spend. : /
Popping in again because I worried my comment above looked like spam! Odds and ends furniture is in St Louis Park by Sam's Club and they have a big warehouse of discontinued, etc furniture – undamaged but less expensive. Leather too! And I'm in no way affiliated with them – I just like to talk them up because I have bought some great pieces there.
I knew it wasn't spam, Carolyn! Just didn't have a chance to respond before heading out the door to our kids' end-of-semester school evals. : )
If you don't want to make the switch to leather, IKEA has couches with tailored slip covers that you can throw in the washing machine. I am really thinking about this for our next couch.
I love IKEA!
Hahaha… this happened again and again at our house. I stitched it back together again and again and put a nice cover over it until the rambunctious years past. At the end, I was happy to chuck it into the dumpster. Have leather now.