Happy feast of the Immaculate Conception! Are you finding the logistics of getting everyone to Mass a bit tricky? We are too, but it’s always worth it.
So we set up our tree last night, my husband and I, after the kids had gone to bed. I think it’s beautiful before it’s trimmed; in truth, I prefer it, but that’s just me.
When my 5-year-old came downstairs for breakfast, I was waiting with a smile. “What do you think of our Christmas tree?”
“That’s not a Christmas tree,” he remarked. “That’s a pine tree with lights.”
Here is a beautiful Advent poem by one of my favorite authors, Wendell Berry:
The Incarnate Word is with us,
is still speaking, is present
always, yet leaves no sign
but everything that is.
Happy 2nd week of Advent. ♥
Thank you, dear friend, for this pocket of beauty as I succumb to crabbiness in the kitchen this afternoon. I've been on my feet in the kitchen all day (save eating and reading one picture book) prepping (peeling, chopping) Paleo breakfast, Paleo lunch, and a roast chicken & rosemary dinner. Getting to Mass tonight puts a dent in a Monday when we have to eat at 4:00 to leave at 5:00 to get to choir practice at 6:00 and Mass at 7:00, arriving home around 9 or 10pm – AND arranging for a babysitter for the little ones who are running a sleep deficit after a hectic theatre weekend. I lay my exhaustion (and guilt about everything I did not get done today) at Mary's feet and offer the sacrifice for those who suffer far more than I!
Cardinals are my favorite! I was just talking about them with my littlest boy this morning, and telling him how I miss them every winter (we don't have them in Japan). Your beautiful photo made me smile!
I love trees before they are trimmed too…the kids sure love to put ornaments on though, don't they? Beautiful tree. with lights.
Happy Advent.