It’s not what you think, my Advent challenge, because I have shamelessly lured you into this post with what appears to be a very cozy photo. My two little men cuddled up together…in Momma’s recliner…perusing a book on the saints, perhaps?
No. Let me forewarn you, dear friend of the heart. The internet is not what it appears to be!
In truth, they were watching a Stampy Cat video while I lay nearby and nursed an upset tummy. (The product, no doubt, of 18 consecutive cups of coffee). Meanwhile, the local 10-year-old did her very best to join her brothers because A. Stampy the Cat is way more fun than her schoolwork and B. Making her brothers scream is what she does best.
She’s extremely good at commandeering and yet, her brothers resent this. I wonder why?
Later, I tried to sneak in a run. “I’ll be down on the treadmill,” I told the kids. “Be good and keep an eye on Francis!” Two and a quarter miles later, I came upstairs to find them on the computer. “Why are you on the computer?” I yelled, “You’ve already played your time!”
“Why must you always be so mean?” one responded, and got a half glass of water in the face as a response.
(I’m French and have a bit of a temper.)
(I’m not excusing my actions; just blaming the French.)
So going back to that Advent challenge. For me, it’s the same thing every year. I think, “My goal is to stay on top of the month of December” when what it really comes down to, in the end, is trying my best to stay on top of the day.
It’s trying to not become a complete and total ogre.
It’s trying to not have a nervous breakdown, because believe me, I get dangerously close.
You see that dust pan behind my 2-year-old’s head?
THIS is the pile to which I was trying to attend:
Staying on top of my day means staying on top of the sweeping. The above was one day’s worth! One room’s day’s worth!
I made them waffles from scratch and the kids all loved me. The gluten-free girl got the frozen version and gobbled them up with great gusto (and syrup).
Point being, you can serve them any kind of waffles and they will forgive you your transgressions.
Reparation waffles.
It’s what repentant moms do.
Back to that demanding 2-year-old…
These cups bought me ten (or so) minutes of bliss.
Highly recommended.
(Crud-free rug not included. )
And the 5-year-old? All he wants is his mom’s attention. “Mom, will you play Ticket to Ride? Mom, will you do a puzzle with me? Let’s have a sword fight! Mom? Mom?!”
A 5-minute sword fight…
Just my Jedi Knight and me…
Those shining eyes tell the story.
My Advent Challenge? Take it one day at a time. And when I screw up–which I will–apologize, repent, confess, repeat. The fact is, I haven’t even started baking and my shopping list scares me, it’s still so long.
And yet…
That’s not what matters to them in the end.
And so…and so…I guess all I’m really saying is: We’re not going to get there on our own. My Advent Challenge is to let God in, because my heart’s so cluttered that I make it hard. So much anxiety; so little trust! Honestly, I cry daily because I’m such a mess. If only, if only I were perfect! If I were perfect, though, I wouldn’t need Him…
…and if I didn’t need Him, then I wouldn’t need Christmas.
I do need Christmas.
But I need Advent first.
I just love you. You are so cool and so honest. Did I ever tell you about the time I threw my car keys at one of my kids's faces. And he wasn't the one being the troublemaker. He just happened to say something in a slightly saucy voice not realizing I was about to boil over. It is just a good thing I have terrible aim. . . . It's hard being with little kids 24/7 even as it is at the same time opportunities for hilarity and sweetness and beautiful teaching moments and cozy snuggly moments too. I'll pray for your Advent, if you pray for mine!
Perfect is soooo boring!
You haven't started baking? I meet your undone baking and raise you one kitchen remodel decided upon after a family trip and wedding over Thanksgiving for which I.have opted to be my own general contractor and have a finish deadline of Dec22. See it could be worse!
Hi, I hardly ever comment. This post was timely for me today. I was having one of those "Why don't you just make us all perfect already so life can be easy Why did you give me all these kids I am in no way good enough to parent days.
Prayer deep breaths and chocolate 🙂 I will make it through this day.
God Bless.
One thing that has always struck me about you is that you take time to do things when that sweet 5-year-old asks. You probably feel like you say "no" more than you say yes, but I have witnessed several occasions when you stop what you're doing to be with your kids. I love that, and it inspires me to do the same.
Love your honesty and how your personality seems to come through in your posts! You seem like an amazing mom. I love the "shin clinger" pic. Always happy to see a new post! Keep on keeping it real!!! Laura in Kansas
Hitting the mark once again and shooting me in the heart. But that's good because I need the reminders. I'm finding that God blessed our house with a week long crud(coughs, fever, sinus, blah) that keeps on giving so that I 'get' to be that mom. I get to set aside all the other Advent to dos and fun things like baking. Instead, I hauled out the Christmas décor yesterday and for the first time in a long time slowly put up one thing at a time. No rush, storage bins in a mess, glitter galore everywhere, but it was peaceful. We'll take the one day at a time this Advent because like you, a breakdown is closer than I'd like this time of year.
Blessed Advent and enjoy your days, dear Margaret.
This is the time of year I get this very odd little eye twitch and everything seems to be falling on top of me. I would love to be Donna Reed and make everything lovely and perfect, but I am with you. Sometimes being the best mom is taking it all a day at a time and trying not to loose it when your eight year old suddenly can't count by 1s and the toddlers decide that making each other scream would be the best way to wake up the baby.