ser·en·dip·i·ty (noun) the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for
According to my Facebook feed, many home schooling families began their school year yesterday. We start tomorrow, despite my delusions about when and if ever summer should end.
It’s been such a nice summer, really.
A game-changing summer, serendipitous and grand.
Grand?! you say. What are you, British? Nope, still just a lowly little Minnesotan. (Thus the name I’ve stuck on this blog.) I do admire the Brits, however, especially their penchant for drinking tea.
Except in my case, it’s coffee…
…and hanging out in the Jeep.
(The giant marshmallows are optional.)
The reason that I’ve been hanging out in the Jeep has to do with this thing that Francis does. He toddles over and flashes those big blue eyes, holds up one hand, and gestures “Come.”
It’s totally cute. In fact. there are few of us that don’t cave when Francis asks us to come.
Also? This is a multipurpose gesture. By it, Francis communicates all sorts of needs, from “May I have some water?” to “Read me a book” to “Let’s go hang out in the Jeep, okay?”
Being a mom to this kid is so very different from when my now-teenage kids were growing up. Back then, I felt stressed and busy pretty much all the time. There is so much I don’t remember from those early days–all those little moments, you know?–because basically, I was just trying to survive.
I’ve said this before, plenty of times, but it really helps when the kids start helping.
Also, I’m calmer now because so much of it doesn’t matter.
So much that I thought really mattered doesn’t matter.
I’ve had this book for years and years–had no idea I owned this book but there it was and here I go.
A work in progress, dying to self or at least trying.
Letting go and letting Him…
Letting go and let them.
I like "Think win/win." It sounds like a good rule of thumb for a lot of encounters!
You were having a pity party too? ��
Love your 3 habits!
Wait, a marshmallow in your hubby's Jeep? Oh my! Love it.
Much love to you!
What a great post – full of so much truth and wisdom! Thanks for sharing this today!
Oh, how I needed to read this today. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Those three goals are a continual work in progress for me and I must do better, so thank you for the 'kick in the pants' reminder. Here's some more serendipity for you (or for me because I REALLY do need to refocus on those goals)… I'm writing from Nova Scotia. Love the t-shirt!
Excellent post! Caroline
I don't know if I've EVER commented before, but I've been reading your blog since…May 2009! We both had babies that month, that's how I remember. I had to comment today because your thought in number one about "why are my kids naturalists…" is so funny because I've lamented the same thing about my kids (who really are rather observant about nature) while I'm sitting on my couch looking at my iphone about naturalist things for kids. So funny. I expect them to be perfect sometimes and let myself slide.
Anyway, I always appreciate that you keep it real. Thanks! And have a good day, Patents Girl 😉
An excellent end of summer/re-thinking school beginning post, full of nuggets of knowledge. My favorite kind of posts-ones that challenge and teach me. You always do them well 🙂