An abbreviated and mostly photographic journey
First, that reference to flying solo and not cheating? My husband and second son are at Philmont Scout Ranch right now. My big kids are were gone (They’re home now! HUGE smile!) for a week at summer camp, and I’m on Day 14 of a 30-day sugar-free, dairy-free, grain-free diet. How’d I survive?
I didn’t. I’m writing to you from the local asylum.
Ha! Only joking!
[nervous laugh]
[Who me? Crazy?]
Okay, so yesterday I offered some tips for survival, but they were mostly philosophical and not that hands on. TODAY I’d like to offer some real advice, as opposed to yesterday which was….hmmm….artificial? In any case, here’s another list–seven things that the three of us did to survive.
First off, messes.
I had to make peace with my kids making messes, otherwise known as their having fun.
I blame my friend Jamie and this awesome, rockin’ post.
Also? I let my toddler play in his daddy’s Jeep.
Hey, it’s how I survived! I’m sure my husband would approve.
Here’s his “I know that I’m getting away with something” wave:
And his reaction to my asking, “Is that your brother’s bubble gum?!”
Like I’d really get mad, though, when he gives me this look:
…possible to get mad at this kid.
(Okay, so I did get mad when he chucked that golf ball at my head.)
“How I Survived” Tip Number 3:
We went to the library a LOT and got stacks and stacks of picture books.
Books on CD? A lifeline.
This book by Lacy from Catholic Icing has been HUGE in my being okay with messes and with my wanting to be a craftier mom.
Full review (and a give-away!) coming up next week.
Here’s the sixth tip: Prayer, prayer and even more prayer. I couldn’t have done it without lots of prayer.
Sometimes my prayer’d be all deep and meaningful, as in “Whoa. That Jeremiah the prophet hit the nail on the head!” Other times it’s more like “You gotta help me! I’m going mad!!”
(Certainly that was the exception to the rule.)
Here’s a photo to show you the setting:
My front steps aren’t very pretty, I know. That’d be a job for my husband, who’s gone.
[blogger begins sobbing uncontrollably]
[Why’d you go and bring that up?!]
So lack of bed-and-breakfast aesthetics notwithstanding, I have a great fondness for my front steps (and may or may not have mentioned this before). This is where Francis and I hang out every morning. We watch cars and doggies going by; we wave at the sweet special needs bus driver that picks up Christopher next door; we read books; we eat suckers; we drink coffee; we pray.
I read a few lines and let them sink in.
I read a few lines and go chase my kid.
My 7th Quick Take consists of five simple words: Letting go and letting Him.
Okay, so maybe they’re not so simple…but in these words I found my peace. I had such big plans for getting stuff done this week! I was going to organize the class room; paint the front door; plan the school year. The good Lord thought otherwise.
“Tend to your kids,” He said.
And have great-if-not-truly-awesome day.
In Him, always,
Hi Margaret,
Thanks for the glimpses of your daily life. Have fun with your big kids.
By the way, what's the name of your prayer book and who published it? I thought I noticed it was "My Prayer Book."
Perhaps my eyes are going, and you can set me straight.
Gail, it's My Daily Bread and it's wonderful.
Here's a link to a PDF version:
You done good! (pardon poor grammar for effect)
And I can't imagine you regret a single minute of it! (tending to those kids)
I LOVED this post!
(not because you linked me either)
I don't think anyone could get mad at that little sweetie ever ever, he will get away with EVERYTHING…and that's OK.
Oh, yeah, and I love Lacy's book too!!
This put a big smile on my face! 🙂