Vol. VI: In Which I Ponder the Existence of Overweight Crickets
So what do you think: Would changing the name of this series to Weight-Off Wednesday inspire people to link up? ‘Cause I’m not really feeling the link-up love right now.
No offense to your own sweet self, of course. You’re great.
It’s just…it’s just…I’m weighing the merits [pun intended] of attempting a link-up because there is not exactly a dearth of them out there.
Plus “dearth” sounds like “derp” which is how I feel when I hear crickets.
Anyway, here we go.
As you can see, my weight hasn’t budged. Not a whit, I tell you!
(“Whit” is another word that I really like. It reminds me of “witty”, of which I am not.)
As you can also see, it is totally worth bumping the scale up a pound if it means showing off your cute new flip-flops.
Here’s what I’ve done that’s helpful this week:
- I watched what I ate…and it was a ton! (Okay, so maybe that wasn’t so very helpful.)
- I biked to Target with my girls. (Of course we bought candy once we got there…)
- I went to a chiropractor for the first time in months, and that was both fascinating and encouraging. I’m allergic to strawberries! Who knew? More on my chiropractic adventure later.
- I got back in the saddle–aka on the treadmill–for the first time in (I’m going to whisper this) three weeks.
My husband knew how long it’d been. He made me a document to chart my progress and honestly, that’s been very helpful. A goal has been set! It’s a start anyway.
So there you go and here I go. I am happy to be trying because to NOT try is bad.
Link up if you want to with your progress. I did. See? It was fun! You should try it!!
Love your pedi and flip flops! You are ready for summer!
Did you see Endris? I look forward to hearing about your experience!
And keep it going on your treadmill! You have such good support in a husband who makes you progress charts! You can do it!!
Sarah, he was wonderful! Like…a healer who could poke & prod & tell me health conditions without my mentioning them! (like my thyroid) AND he's a father of nine AND a man of great faith.
So so cool, all of it.
Yes, I saw him for a period of time, and he really helped me. He does have a gift of holistic health that is SO needed these days!
Margaret, you're so brave to do these posts! These are things that I think most of us moms struggle with to some degree, and someone is being blessed by your message. Even if what you're hearing is crickets sometimes. š God bless you!
Melanie, I am going to print this comment and put it by my computer. I really struggled with the idea of this series yesterday.
How awesome that your husband made you that chart. What a great guy! Do you like the treadmill that you have? I am seriously debating on picking one up. Take care!
We like our treadmill very much, Betsy. We bought it used (which I recommend) and though I don't know the brand, I'm on my way down right now to go running so I'll look! Be back in two miles! ; )
I love these posts, as health is a topic I take great interest in. However, I don't blog, so I don't link up, but I enjoy reading about your thoughts.
I'm embarrassed to say that I don't even know how to link-up. That's right. No link-up love here due to my inability to figure it out. š
I love these posts, please do it again next week and hopefully I'll have my act together enough to link up!
I'd like to link up if you do it again. I am trying hard to lose the extra weight I have been battling for the past 6 years. Thanks.