Vol. II
UPDATE: Alrighty then. I’m going to try to jump-start the conversation by asking a question: What are your favorite work-out songs? My poor link-up is parched and desperate! Also, I’ve added one of my favorite blasts from the past at the bottom.
As a bonus, if it inspires just five people to link-up, I’ll tell you about the time I got kissed by Robin Zander.
(Don’t be scandalized. It was pretty chaste.)
Let’s make something clear from the get-go: It is not just about the weight.
It is not just about the weight.
It is not just about the weight.
Are we clear?
The number on the scale can be a marker or a goal, but it should not be the source and summit of your inner peace. Lucky for me, as you will see…
My weight has gone up by several pounds.
Granted, I took this photo in my skirt and shoes, which added—maybe?—a pound or so. I don’t care! I wore my shoes out of empathy for you; my toes are in desperate need of a pedicure.
(Okay, actually I do care that the weight’s gone up…because I know what kind of week I had.)
First, the good news:
- I got on the treadmill Wednesday & Friday; and
- I did the 30-day Shred (Level 1) on Thursday.
Now the bad news:
- That was just about all I did.
Again, it’s not just about the number on the scale. Three little numbers…one, three, five…which to some of you may look pretty ideal. We all–I repeat, we ALL–have our different journey. To me, they represent both weight gain and failure, because I know they’re the result of several days’ over-eating. A half bag of mesquite-flavored potato chips here…a bowl of ice cream hastily eaten there…countless nibbles and gnoshing as I prepared yesterday’s “burgers”…
…which were yummy, by the way…
…but I was so stuffed and bloated by the time I had mine that I didn’t enjoy it. Not. One. Bit.
Well, this is not how I want to live. I don’t want food to be my go-to when stressed, because the result is a very sad (and increasingly fatter) momma. Today, Wednesday, I’m beginning again.
I am adding two habits–two little habits–and will see next week if they make a difference. One, I am taking the advice of a friend on The Plan and am drinking a ton more water. We’re talking half my body weight in ounces: four 16-oz glasses of water/day.
The second habit has long been proven to be effective: I will be trying–TRYING!–to keep a journal of all the food I eat. Hopefully this will strengthen my will against all those BLT’s, ’cause those “bites”, “licks”, and “tastes” add up. They do.
And that’s it, my friend. Those are my goals for the week, along with gradually increasing my time on the treadmill. I’ve got until July to work up to three miles; at this point, that sounds like a marathon!
Here’s a song that helps me go the distance:
Cheap Trick. Because these are just the kind of nice young men your mother wants in your home.
Please link up if you feel inspired. Remember: you don’t have to do scale shots to participate. Just set a goal (or two) and share them. You know full well I’m sloggin’ along beside you.
With love in Him and maybe a few less chips,
I still weigh more than you. Dislike this part of postpartum. It's really work to get back into some semblance of shape after a baby.
"Weighing in" has a figurative meaning too, so you could be weighing in in that sense.
So…will you weigh in with a link? I'd love that, bearing, 'cause you're one of my gurus.
Hang in there, Margaret! Being aware of habits, of good days, of bad will be so helpful to your journey! And three days of exercise is better than zero! The water is a great idea, too! It can be hard to get that much water in. I rarely make it. But I try 🙂
Sarah, I am thisclose to joining Weight Watchers again, if only just to see you! It can't be this Saturday, tho; we've got our son's confirmation!
First of all, I love your shoes, super cute.
You're off to a good start. After an afternoon of shoveling it was clear that I can no longer put off the treadmill…ouch.
Love you!
Love you too!
Every day is a new day to begin again. Three days of exercise is great – it's more than before, right? The food journaling is supposed to be effective – I started a week ago after realizing that I also didn't want to have to "confess" each bite, lick, taste. Are you going to journal the food or calories as well? Just wondering – I decided not to record with calories – too much work and causes me to obsess. I'm hoping the awareness of what goes into my mouth will be enough!
You can do this!
Thank you, Mary. ♥
I love this, because it's the week I had. I walked on the treadmill twice…bought the 30 minute shred and watched it…WATCHED it because, you know, I need to know if I can do it. Not sure about those swinging arms…
I figure I can't weigh unless I'm nakid, right away in the morning and after I've pooped.
Every little bit counts. (or big bit)
(hee hee)
No kidding! This morning I weighed myself when I first got up: 132.8. And then I ran on the treadmill and visited the bathroom (ahem) and weighted 131.4.
Cool beans! ; )
I personally stay away from the scale. Mainly because I've had an eating disorder in the past, and it's a huge trigger for me. I do weigh in at my doctors office, so I have some kind of idea of where I am. Have you had your thyroid checked? Also, certain foods can be "binge" foods. I don't keep anything in the house that I know I can't eat in a non-binge manner. I'm also focusing on protein. And avocados. I don't seem to crave the carbs (the bad ones) as much. Also, I firmly believe exercise has to be something you really love doing. I hate doing a workout that I don't a) look forward to or b) enjoy while I'm doing it. It's not all roses each workout, but it has to be something, that for the long haul, I can see myself doing long term. Not just for weight loss. Just my two cents. I'd rather be able to run a 2 hour half marathon at 150 pounds than thinner. I think you are perfect Margaret 🙂
Jen, you continue to inspire me. I, too, have a thyroid condition and take Levothyroxin (sp?) daily. As far as not buying junk food goes, that one's harder 'cause I got teen boys (i.e. ravenous beasts) and we bond over Netflix & bags of chips.
Perhaps I can do a baggie of popcorn for me instead?
I take Levothyroxin too. Did you know your thyroid can fluctuate for more than two years after a baby? It wouldn't hurt to get your TSH levels if it's been longer than three months. If it's low, that could be a reason the scale isn't budging. Ah, the late night eating. I have a teenager and two pre teens…I totally can relate. My hubby is worse than they are! But he is naturally thin so doesn't have to worry about it (grrrr). Popcorn wouldn't be enough for me…LOL. Maybe something else you can nibble on? Or if you know it's movie night, make sure to get in maybe twenty extra minutes of a workout? I'm always willing to workout longer if I can eat more!
Well, if it makes you feel any better I am in the same boat right now. I NEED to loose weight soon or I will have to buy all new clothes. AUGH. I hate shopping and do not want to spend the money so that is just not an option. Thanks for the good ideas. I drink a ton of water during my pregnancies but that rather turns to coffee in the winter. Back to water! I also should make a food journal, however I eat all the time so that may be difficult. 🙂 We'll see.
We've got so much in common, Betsy! Including, but not limited to, the cups of coffee and the stolen treats eaten in the garage. That WAS you, wasn't it? : )
Hang in there and give that little man a squeeze for me!
I wish I could have your approach to the #. I myself have lost 200#s, I run marathons, and I am battling major health issues BUT I get on the scale and stare at it in disgust and bewilderment. This week I have "gained" 4 pounds (my official weigh in is Saturday) this is with clean eating and running, weight lifting and such. It's not muscle, it's not this or that it's my body being stubborn. I looked back and I have been stuck between 162-165 for the last 5 months. WHY? I know in my case life and weight loss is harder because I do not have a thyroid, I have cancer, and only have a few #s to lose. BUT it's frustrating none the less.
I keep promising myself ONE DAY I will love who I see in the mirror. Each day I try harder and harder. You are doing amazing things. Keep up the good work.
Sweetie, you are a sister in Christ and I love you. Ditch the scale (or at least, dial back on the weigh-ins) and focus on your family. Focus on Him. You, too, are doing amazing things, not the least of which is battling cancer (!) so please PLEASE go easy on yourself. ♥
Margaret, I'm still here and walking those baby steps, but I've had a very hard week and the baby has been very sick. No sleep for her. No sleep for me. I *do* want to get in a post to link here, though. Perhaps tomorrow night after mass. Lord, please let the baby sleep tonight. Amen.
btw, I own the 30 Day Shred and have done it in the past (pre-9th baby) and was just thinking today that I should pull it back out. That Jillian can be such a hard-driving hag, though. "There's 300 lb. people that can do these jumping jacks without stopping. If they can do it, so can you!"
Yeah, yeah. Shut it, Jillian. <–Does anyone else talk back to their exercise videos or it just me. haha! 😉
Good music for the treadmill is key for me. And HGTV with closed captioning. I was so bummed last week when I realized I'd left the iPod in the hubby's car. I'm on an 80s kick right now with songs: Bon Jovi, Welcome to the Jungle, We Built This City, Don't Stop Believin' and my new fav, Wagon Wheel (Old Crow Medicine Show). Hang in there! Two days is a lot better than nothing and you have had a loooong winter up north!