Linking up with Sarah @ Amongst Lovely Things.
I’m going to love this series.
Lots of Coffee, lots of kids. It's a peaceful life.
by Minnesota Mom Filed Under: Blogging, Chesterton, Humor, Minnesota Me 10 Comments
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I’m Margaret in Minnesota, and this is my mom's-eye perspective of a kid-heavy life. I love the Lord; I take lots of photos; and I try to always tell it like it is, from sex to depression and everything in between! I hope you enjoy your time here. ♥
My kids would print that out and plaster our kitchen with it, I love it!
* smile *
(tell that to my MIL) (Dr. Oz disciple)
Wow…I am loving this Chersterton series…and that quote is awesome!! I need to keep that in mind every time I"m tempted to make chickpea cookies or something. LOL
Ha! Spoken as a man who doesn't have to deal with the sugar crash from feeding junk to someone else's kids. 🙂 Love it! Amelia's "chickpea cookies" made me laugh!!
Cracking me up- both your selection and the comments here. (And I was all "squeeeeee!" Maggie linked up!!!)
My 3 yr old would want to see gum pictured and my almost 2 yr old would take some cook-keys : )
Great one!
Fun quote–so much of what Chesterton had to say was both fun and profound.
He said that?? Haha. The more I learn about that man, the more I'm tempted to name my next baby Gilbert Keith. What a cool dude.