And now:
Francis is one year old today! (He was born on 12/20/2012 which is kind of cool if you think about it.) We celebrated by attending Joe’s Junior Play–a one-act drama called “Noah and the Flood.”
(Joe played Noah. Can you tell?)
“What the heck?” Francis appears to be thinking. “What’s this…stuff on my brother’s face?”
(Perhaps Francis thought that we’d brought him to see Santa.)
Anyway, not surprisingly, the year has flown by. We were surprised by this handsome little Number Seven–surprised, at first, and then incredibly blessed.
PS. I told you it was brief.
It has not been a year. It has NOT been a year!!! I refuse to believe it. Sorry.
Happy birthday! To both of you!
Happy Birthday to your little blessing. My My how a year goes by so fast.
Happy birthday to your little guy!
Oh my that year went fast!! My little baby is turning 2 on Sunday. My heart hurts a little to just type it!
Happy birthday to your little sweetie–God bless him!
Happy Birthday sweet Francis! Prayers for your sweet boy today!
Happy birthday, Francis! God bless you! 🙂
Happy Birthday Francis!!! many you be blessed with many many more …..