[Or not]
I took these photos after dropping Joe, Jem and Cate off at school yesterday morning.
Clearly my issues with snacking on the go continue.
Not really. In truth, it was Family Appreciation Day, and the faculty was handing out coffee and donuts. “Oh!” I said to my son’s Lit-Comp teacher. “I’ve got, like, 18 kids at home! Can I have the entire plate?”
“Sure!” he responded, as Jem died a long, slow death in the back seat.
There is no pain, I tell you, like that of an introvert with an extroverted mother.
Francis, too, has issues with snacking on the go.
It’s a narcolepsy-brought-on-by-masticated-crackers thing.
Lastly, today is our Angela’s 9th birthday. Can you believe it?
I firmly believe that everyone needs an Angela. I know she keeps me on my toes. On Wednesday, for example, we were on our way out the door to see this play. I sent the iPad out to the van with George, thinking it’d be good for downtime throughout the drive and yet, not expecting to see it in Angela’s hands when I got out there. “What are you doing?!” I demanded, in a fit of Mommy Indignation, and took the iPad away with a flourish.
I ran back into the house to grab the picnic lunch, and when I got back out, George was in full-fledged tattling mode. “Angela called you a stinky warthog!” he said, and from the look on her face, I knew it was true.
You can bet the iPad went away for good.
Later, the two of us sat down for a talk. “I didn’t call you a stinky warthog,” she told me. “I called you a grumpy warthog.”
! ! !
“That’s still wrong,” I told her, carefully hiding my grin. “You don’t call your mommy a warthog.”
“I know,” she said repentantly. “It’s just that you had such a sour frown…”
Well, I’ve been chewing on that one ever since, especially after reading Flannery O’Connor for last night’s book club. We discussed two of her short stories–A Good Man is Hard to Find and Revelation–and my word, how I see myself in these flawed characters! One of the women was even called a warthog, and what, I ask you, was God trying to tell me with that?
Have you read O’Connor’s work before? Highly, humbly recommended.
I do have an Angela a part 1 and part 2, and yes they keep you on your toes but oh my what a treasure they are too – some of our best family stories come from our own version of Angela, God Bless them!
Indeed, what a treasure! That's why I keep telling these stories; I don't want to forget them.
Happy Birthday to Angela!! 🙂 And so good to see you last evening. Still trying to wrap my head around the stories and our discussion! So appreciated everyone's insights!
You too, Sarah! I have a bunch of tabs open on the computer right now with various analyses of "A Good Man." They've been very helpful in my wrapping MY head around that story, which will even better the second time around since…
I didn't really like OR get it the first time around. : )
I'm starting to understand Flannery's perspective a bit! So many layers…so much to say about pride.
Happy Birthday sweet *Angela* (I am singing), Happy birthday to you!
PS love Flannery O'Connor, though I usually need something light and brainless to read after.
I know, right?
And hey, beautiful new profile pic, my friend! It totally captures your youthful, thoughtful side and makes me HATE all those states between us.
Thank you for giggle this morning!! Kids say the darnedest things eh 😉 Happy Birthday dear Angela………………….
Happy Birthday to Angela!
I have not one, but two "Angelas"! 16 years apart.
Happy Birthday to Angela! Perhaps she's been reading Flannery O'Connor when you aren't looking!
Ha! With that one, you never know.
Margaret, you have a gift with words. This made me chuckle many times. I can't even believe that of all the words she could have chosen, warthog was the winner. Seems such a random choice, and yet given what we just read by O'Connor–wow!…
I want to know if that stack of doughnuts actually made it without crashing all over the floor of your car? If so then I'm very impressed. Of course, I would probably have eaten a couple to make sure the tower didn't crash. It's little sacrifices like that to make the world a better place. 🙂
Happy Birthday to your Angela! I hope she has a most wonderful day!
Thanks to you, I've just downloaded "A Good Man" to our Kindle. Looking forward to what looks to be some interesting reading for this weekend!
Happy birthday to your sweet Angela! My "Angela" turns 9 a week from tomorrow!!
Happy Birthday to your sweet Angela! I love kids like her. Spunk!
Happy birthday to Angela!
Happy Birthday to Angela.
I have a 23 year old male version of Angela. He has been keeping me on my toes since he pulled himself to a standing position in the crib at 5 months. By 18 months he was climbing the fence behind the umpire at his siblings ballgames and escaping from his care. And since he learned to talk, OH BOY!!! Yes, to this day he is the subject of many family "remember when …. " stories. He is living at home and keeps threatening to move out, but after letting the Marines have him for four years I don't want him to go — me being selfish.
**Should say "escaping from his carseat while I was driving"
Happy birthday to your sweet Angela! God bless her!
She is spunky…just like one of mine!
I love that photo thing you do!
My van is still dirtier than yours. Donuts, crackers and all…
There is no pain, I tell you, like that of an introvert with an extroverted mother.
I think my 15 year old teenage daughter would disagree with you…actually I know she would. She would tell you, "There is no pain, I tell you, like that of an extrovert with an introvert mother.!"
Big Family Small Farm