Outside my window…
It’s cold & crisp here in Minnesota, my very favorite time of year. Have you seen Minnesota in the fall? It’s beautiful.
George brought me an “apple cider leaf” the other day and then later, when we were talking about the Maple tree in our neighbor’s yard, he exclaimed,
“Oh! That’s what I meant when I said ‘apple cider’!”
He laughed at his mistake as his momma’s heart melted.
I am thankful…
…for so much, but at the top of my list are the little boys and little girls who fill my world.
I am not so thankful for a certain local football team.
I am thinking about…
.… what it means to take our place in the work of redemption.
Last week I got an email from a local PR company, asking if I wanted to be on TV. They told me that I would be talking about “healthy Halloween treats” on Fox 9 News, and that it would be aired live on Sunday morning.
First of all, I’m not “that” mom. I hand out sugar on Halloween because that’s what my kids want to get. Still, and I posed this question on Facebook, wouldn’t it be fun to step out of my comfort zone? Wouldn’t it be nice to promote my blog on TV?
As it turned out, Fox 9 News went with a spokesperson they knew, and Minnesota Mom was off the hook. (On the plus side, I kept my appointment at the salon!) Meanwhile, I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe they’d checked out my recent posts and thought, “Saints of the Reformation being martyred for the Faith? Uh uh. No thanks. Let’s keep it light.”
Well, I’m not going to change the way I blog. I can’t be “that” mom. It’s not who I am.
In the Schoolroom…
I miss my Cate. I miss what she added to our homeschool dynamics and yet, I love how Felicity has stepped up to the plate in terms of maturity.
From the kitchen…
For breakfast: Wholewheat Carrot Applesauce Muffins
For lunch: Tomato soup and Grilled Cheese Croutons
For supper: Chicken with Mustard Cream Sauce
Yum, yum and yum. I absolutely love this time of year.
I am creating…
This blog post, my first in a week. I had to get up at 4:00 to get it done but it feels so good to be writing!
Also in the “creativity” department is the quiltie I made for my best friend Sarah’s baby. This was my hush-hush sewing project at Grandma’s (!) but now that it’s arrived in Alaska…
I’m free to blah blah blog about it.
I loved making this quiltie and am indebted to Charlotte for her tutorial. If I can sew it, anyone can! Now I want to make one for my dear friend in Idaho, a former student who just had Number 12!
She inspires me.
I am working on…
…being disciplined and ordered around the house. How can this freespirit learn to be neat? This has been my lifelong challenge. I am not a natural at being neat.
(Though I make a mean pot of homemade tomato soup.)
I am reading…
The Good Earth by Pearl Buck. This is a hard read but very, very powerful! I’m thankful for my book club, because I would not have picked up this book on my own.
I am praying…
My husband and I just finished praying a novena to St. Jude. We got a “yes” in answer to our prayers. ☺
I am struggling…
…with wanting to micromanage my teens’ behavior and being ordered in my daily life. (See “I am working on” above.) I am also trying to adjust my personality to that of my 9-year-old’s, because she and I see the world in very different ways.
In other words, “efficient” is not very effective with her. I need to let her do her thing more often, though, because when I do…
She shines.
I am hearing…
…the hum of the computer and that is all.
Clicking around…
This post by Sarah (So helpful! Love Sarah!)
This post by Jamie (A review of one of my favorite books!)
This post by Matt Walsh (It’s two weeks old and already buried on his blog. If you haven’t read it yet, I think you should!)
Around the house…
My biggest challenge by far as a home schooler is finding a balance between home schooling and housework. It’s like I have a tick and can’t stop picking up! Yet, who wants to spend her whole life picking up?! BORING!
Balance. Order. Please tell me that I can (one day) find both.
One of my favorite things…
My iPad, definitely. It’s just an iPad 1 and still I’m smitten! Can’t imagine my our life without this iPad.
(Wanna know a secret? I can get amazing things done when the kids are on it.)
Balance. Order. Please tell me that I can (one day) find both. ; )
A few plans for the rest of the week….
All Hallows’ Eve with family and friends; Mass for All Saints’ Day; Mass for All Souls; and a trip up north to see my sweet friend Meghan.
(She has a new baby! Lucky me!!)
Have I mentioned I love this time of year? Yes? Well, I’m willing to bet that you do, too.
I am glad you are the mom ;p can you suggest any FUN learning apps or whatever for the ipad. My adopted grandson needs some help in the reading department. He is 9 years old.
Can..not..wait! 🙂
I've been listening to Sarah's list, little by little. It's like my own private homeschooling conference. I love it!
Happy (almost) Feast!
That chicken recipe looks oh so good!
That is wonderful about St. Jude. Keeping you in my prayers. Oh, and the pic of Francis on the dishwasher is adorable!
The picture of your little guy in the dishwasher is adorable! I thought we were the only ones who had a picture like that 🙂 Your post just put a smile on my face….thank you 🙂
I've been waiting all day to come and read, and now I still don't have time…I'll try to get to this tomorrow…but you know how Halloween goes….just wanted to let you know, I'm not ignoring you!!
I know what you mean! If I don't wake up before the sun I get no time to look at blogs or write.
I love your quiltie!! You did a wonderful job!! Someday….I tell myself someday, I'm going to make one. Love the colors you picked!
I have to say that I know that the news channel just picked the person they did because of what they said, not because of what you are thinking. I know these things. Take it for what it is and it was a gift. Time freed up, less to stress about, and a new hairdo.
Love you Mags.
I forgot to tell you that when you had a commenter a couple weeks ago say something about letting her kids pick what they would do for a weekend, and she said she'd be up for anything within reason, I did it. I did what she suggested. My girls picked using their Easy Bake oven to make things and they did all day. (because those things take that long) and my son and I played Scrabble. It was really fun. And memorable.
I totally understand different personality and homeschooling daughters. Mine is just turned 7 and only in 1st grade. Anyways a few things that worked recently is a daily list not a weekly list. For us it's 6 things. And she can take breaks and do housework. Yep I struggle with that one too and fill so pitiful since I just have her and an almost two year old to take care of. Also she needs sleep so I gave up waking her up to get started at a certain time she has to go to bed at a certain time and get ready for the day when she gets up
One other thing we started doing more orally. As in I read her the English workbook questions while she did dishes and wrote out the answers she told me. We practiced prayers then too.
So neat! You would have rocked that TV spot 🙂 We give out sugary candy too, can't knock it if they love it!