I have a million posts banging around in my head (okay, so, three) but no time at present to flesh them out. The littles and I are going to the State Fair today, which, as you may recall, requires Herculean effort on this momma’s part.
See this post for an example: The Great Minnesota Get-Together
Or perhaps this one: Minnesota State Fair Sugar Rush
Or how about A Minnesota State Fair Re-Cap?
So! I’m leaving you with the quickest of reviews. Look what we found at the library yesterday: A Wrinkle in Time in graphic novel form!! I’d review it more fully if I could but heck if I haven’t had a chance to read it yet. It’s been in the
greedy eager hands of all my other kids instead.
Stay cool if you’re a Minnesotan today! And if you’re not, stay hip.
Hey, it's me. Did anyone notice that, like, this isn't a review at ALL? I'm worried that I might lose all credibility as a reviewer here.
I just noticed that the gal on the cover looks like the oldest gal at your house. We missed her this week. I hope school is suiting her.