(not really)
(I mean, it’s stuff but it’s not nothing. It matters. All the scheduled events and daily—scratch that—hourly activities represent GOD’S WILL FOR ME. So yes I’m busy. Yes, you’re busy. Are you making it count? Are you attuned to Him? Are you growing in love and sanctity? Are you preparing an examination of conscience for your next confession so that, for example, you won’t forget to mention your stubborn love of your own will when, for example, your husband asked to bring the baby on a date rather than leave him home with the other children and you resented this imposition on your good time—you pouted, you clung to your own will?)
(It all does matter if you use it for His glory.)
(That’s what I’m saying. That’s all I’m saying.)
So yeah! Still plugging away at that conference recap because it is important to me that I get it done. If I’m dragging my feet it’s because my blog’s still being wonky. I’m wondering if this is God’s way of telling me to take a break from blogging. I don’t know. I’m trying to be attuned to His will; trying hard to listen.
I do love to write. I do love to blog. I do love having an archive of all this stuff.
It’s the stuff and not-nothin’ of my life.
Love the pictures Margaret! And that paragraph about doing God's will–so right on target. Thanks for that.
True! Trying to figure out how Goo wants me to use this crazy time in our lives for His greater glory.
your stuff and not-nothing is a great deal of something to me.
Great Site!