The “Mommy’s Meatloaf” Edition
This is George, Kid Number Six and resident sous-chef:
He’s three, going on 30.
Seriously, how many 3-year-olds like to help their mom make meatloaf?
Exactly all of them, that’s how many.
Which is why I let him help.
We washed our hands with soap first—obviously—and then…well, basically we went to town. Squish! Squish! Add-a-splash-of-sauce! Squish! We were nearly done with all our squishing when: “I need a Tweenex!” George announced.
I ran to wash my hands and grab him one because, according to George, that errant drip might fall in the meatloaf and “that would be weally dwoss.”
And he is right but the story’s still cute.
PS. Please don’t tell the health inspector.
Oh yeah! Meatloaf is the only red meat my three year old eats. So it's in frequent rotation. And he loves to help too.
adorable beyond description 🙂
"Exactly all of them, that’s how many." You are so funny Margaret! (and so true)
By the way, my little 2 yr old thinks that he is friends with George. If he sees me reading your blog and George's picture comes up he yells "My friend! What is his name again?". You should come over for a play date the next time you are in South Dakota. 🙂
This reminds me of a time my brother was making eggs and my little sister who was about 5 dragged a chair over to the stove and when he cracked the egg into the pan she said 'Whoowho!" (while my mom was frantically running to the stove). It is amazing how young children love to help. I think it is because they are so fascinated with every thing they see and experience. Everything holds excitement and adventure for them. I often wish I could recapture that sense of wonder now. I think experiencing new cultures is a great way to reawaken our sense of wonder.