Vol. 30 for Me
Today is the feast of St. John of the Cross. Wouldn’t he be an awesome intercessor for this baby boy?!!
Yes, he would.
And that is ALL that I’m going to say about that.
You guys, I am so, so tired of speculating about the when/how/and/where of this baby’s birth. One would think, of course, that it’s safe to assume the “where” of the birth…but at this point, really, all bets are off.
Every night I wake to contractions…and every morning, they go away. Were it not for the respite of Foyle’s War—streaming, online, with the iPad propped on my prodigious tummy—I don’t know what I’d do.
I’d cry, is what.
And whine & moan & gnash my teeth.
(Oh wait. I’ve been doing all those things too.)
Enough. Enough complaining. The fact is this bun is qetting toasty & done, and he will be here when he’s good and ready. Meanwhile, I’m going to fight back. So there.
Last night, for example, I took back the night. I decided that I could either stay home & feel mopey…or I could attend a Christmas Tea book club.
Venture a guess as to which option I chose.
I didn’t even break the chair.
The book club was at the home of another mom from my son’s 8th grade class—a beautiful home done up for the season with a total of 14—yes, 14—Christmas trees. Believe it or not, this was not excessive. It was tasteful and lovely and did my heart much good to be there, especially since this has been one of my most scaled-back Advents ever.
Truthfully, the best part of all was the mom-interaction. It can be hard to “find the time” for me—even when I’m not this massive—but always…ALWAYS…I am glad that I did.
Do you have plans to get out with friends? Please do. Please go. The to-do’s will wait.
Going out meant leaving supper to Cate.
Have I mentioned how thankful I’ve been for Cate?
This despite our having so very little in common. ; )
Oh, and Charlotte just told me that she’s closing the baby pool at the end of the day. So if you haven’t ventured a guess to win a book, please stop by and do so. Your odds are getting good at this point!
I'm praying for you! My sweet baby GIRL came on Dec. 5th, one day before her due date! She joins three older brothers, and we are truly thankful. I totally, totally understand the waiting and constant wondering with each contraction. I felt like I was in labor for weeks, which was frustrating. I keep blog-stalking while nursing my new bundle, anxious for the big announcement. Prayers for a peaceful and healthy delivery for both you and baby boy!
Congratulations, Mallory!!! And thank you. ♥
If you go to the Mpls Children's –you could have this baby Tuesday and I'll be there! (with Simeon)
IN my thoughts and prayers as always….constantly!
I would love to see you & Baby Simeon, Jamie, but I'll be in a hospital on the St. Paul side. Hugs to you all and THANK YOU FOR THOSE THOUGHTS & PRAYERS.
I mean it.♥
The end is so long and hard, you and Mary had a tough Advent (even if they were over 2000 years apart)!!
The waiting is SO hard, Colleen–the uncertainty, the discomfort–but it really helps to think of Mary on that donkey. 🙂
Much love to you & yours. Have a blessed 3rd week of Advent!
14 trees..holy moly. Wonder where and how she stores them and all the decorations. juse wondering.
I got some girlfriend time talking to Jamie today. I needed that. I tend to hermit myself.
Hang in there and I was thinking of you at Mass today…OK ALWAYS THINKING..when o when is Margaret going to finally "POP". ok..you know I am kidding..When is that baby coming?!
Many of them were table-topper trees, Christine–and the one in her bedroom was only about 3-feet, I'd guess? But so lovely, done up in the same teal color palette as her room.
Lucky you for talking to Jamie and what a sweetie you are for thinking of me at Mass. I hope you said a prayer at the same time [wink] 'cause I'm hanging in there by a thread.
The shooting in CT have done NOTHING for my emotional equilibrium.
Margaret, evidently the episode is now on you Tube: http://brandonvogt.com/revisions-youtube/
I caught part of it last night but won't be watching the whole thing tonight because, unless there is a major disaster between now and 7, I am actually going out to a homeschooling mom's support meeting. Phew! Dom is going to have to handle bedtime all on his own tonight. (Pray for him it's his first time trying to do that trick with all four.)
A very special Advent for you. So not easy laboring that way. I remember the insomnia, the contractions that kept me up…and then would quit….for weeks. Try to rest when you can. That's what happened with most of my kids. Then, someone told me your body will fight going into labor if you are exhausted (ha! How do you not be?!) I continue to pray for you and your family….even though you this little guy missed sharing my birthday.
PRAYING for you, Margaret! The end is so, so hard. No matter how sick (and often worried) I am in the beginning, the last weeks are so rough. REST as much as you can!
Faith and I went to a "Night at Bethlehem" at a local church lest weekend. A re-creation of sorts of a street in Bethlehem 2000 years ago. We met a donkey, a lovely fellow. Have you ever met one? They have the boniest backs I have ever seen — a big hard ridge of backbone running his whole length. Be grateful for your sofa, doll. I can't imagine how Mary did it.
As another note of interest about my donkey friend — did you know they have a cross on their backs? It's. A lovely legend : http://www.ecmagazine.net/Vol6_4/LegendofDonkeysCross.htm
Oh man! I was so shooting, hoping, praying for the feast of St. John of the Cross!!! Aw well, God has other plans for you little one.
God bless!!
You know, I *could* really go for a night out. *Really*. Everyone is so dang busy this time of year, though, including myself. I think my big day out will be going out to see The Hobbit with the family.
You and your little boy continue to be in my constant thoughts and prayers. It's something about this big belly in front of me I think. 😉 Seriously, though, I made sure to offer up for you all of my pokes that I got last week when I went in for the "3 hour test" for gestational diabetes. Yep, I failed the first test. Yep, I failed the 3 hour one, too. No Christmas goodies for me this year. See, I'm with you all the way in preggo affliction solidarity. Just think, in just a few days (or hours!) you can have cookies and candy and cake!! Not to mention the best sweet of all, a little baby to love and snuggle. <—trying not to be jealous. 😉
God love you, Margaret!