Have you ever survived such a spate of days that, when finally you reach the end of them, you sigh, “There but by the grace of God went I” ?
In the words of my 3-year-old, “Foofda.”
We survived.
On Thursday I had an OB appointment in the morning (Baby’s fine!) and gave a talk to our homeschool co-op in the evening.
(I just love our homeschool co-op.)
(They serve wine & cheese at every meeting.)
The name of my talk was “A Little Way of Living Liturgically” and was clearly inspired by my husband’s unemployment. Before that, it would have been titled “A Lavish Way of Living Liturgically.”
The boys didn’t have school on Friday and so we snuck in a family outing to a cemetery. We drove to the same little churchyard that we always visit and prayed for the Poor Souls, which was lovely. Then I met with the therapist, (not so lovely, but necessary), drove the girls to choir practice at the Cathedral, and took Cate to see Jane Eyre at a local theater.
It was an amazing production with an entire cast of home-schooled teens. If you live in the area and ever have the chance to see anything produced by this company, GO.
On Saturday, we had two Little Flowers meeting in two different parts of town, a birthday party at a skating rink for a friend of Felicity’s, and a service project for Jem’s 8th grade class at his school (which we hosted).
On Sunday, I gave another talk—this time, as part of our Archdiocesan “All in God’s Plan” program. The name of my presentation was “It’s great to be a girl,” and though I got Felicity’s permission to use her picture in the title slide…
…she was still too young to attend the workshop. Next year, Felicity! (This year, I brought Cate.)
On Monday night, we attended the Fall awards ceremony for American Heritage Girls:
Whereupon George took a picture of me for you:
And then an AHG leader took a picture of both of us:
See those tired, tired eyes? I know. Wake me in five weeks after I’ve had this baby.
I don’t intend to leave the house before then.
Wow, you are getting so big and beautiful! George is a fantastic photographer! I am so excited for you, take it easy and rest up, mumma!
Cheers – Joolz xxx
We are due around the same time!
What a pro-life witness you are just walking around with that cute baby bump!
I am getting so excited for you. :). But those last few weeks are really hard, aren't they? Listen to your body and give it what it needs.
Margaret, I'm exhausted just reading this. And I'm almost as pregnant as you are. (Can it really be just 7 weeks until my New Year's Eve baby?!) I'll be praying that you get some rest.
I plan to, Melanie! It was the hardest week on the calendar but from now 'til my due date, (Dec. 17), I plan to leave heavily on my husband.
And I do mean heavily.
In every sense of the word. 😉
I hear you about "heavily"! And by te way, Dec 17… what a cool due date! The first of the O Antiphons!
My birthday! 🙂
Hang in there, both of you (Margaret and Melanie). Love these photos, Mags–you look wonderful.
Awwwwww, rest, rest!!! Actually all this busy stuff you are doing will make staying up all night with a new baby not that bad, right?
(just kidding)I'm sure you are already not sleeping.
Thinking and praying for you these last days….
What a busy mama you are. you do look a tiny bit weary in that picture but manohman how can you not be with all that running.
Your family is going to get the bestest christmas present evah.
blessings and prayers, Margaret! I think you look simply stunning!
You really do look beautiful!
You look great! I have two girls and I thought we had a crazy week last week but yours definitely tops it and I am not pregnant!!!
We'll say some prayers for you and your family
I was wondering when your due date was. My daughter was due on December 17 seven years ago. I know it's a crazy-busy time of year to be pregnant but I found it very special as I thought of the parallel in my life to that of Mary. Not that I was giving birth to our Savior but I just appreciated all the more the amazingness of God's plan to give us his son through Mary. Lean on your husband, he loves you and wants to help you. And remember that the Savior we so eagerly anticipate this time of year already knows and loves your little one. God bless you all.
You do look wonderful and I'm so excited that you only (I know, "only") have five week to go. Do get your rest and know we're all praying for you. God bless you greatly.
Foofda. 🙂
This post brought such a warmth to my heart. I miss that particular brand of chaos that can only be found in a large homeschooling family headed by a mother on fire. 🙂 Keeping your family (especially you and the baby on the way) in my prayers! 🙂