Am I safe in assuming that because I’ve been too busy to write, you (in turn) have been too busy to read? It’s an unspoken agreement we’ve reached, I think, and yet…not a very satisfying one.
Goodness, though, have I been busy.
Let’s talk yesterday. Hey, yesterday! Remember me? I’m the gal that you ran ragged. Yes, that one. You know. The one with the gut.
First, I gave a talk at 9:00 to a local moms’ group—a talk on living out the liturgical year—and that was lovely and very fun. I’ll be giving it two more times this fall so if you’d like to come and heckle, etc., shoot me an email and I’ll let you know where.
At 4:00 p.m. we had our first choir class—all three girls at the St. Paul Cathedral—and I can tell you right now that I am going to LOVE having an excuse to drive up there once a week. As part of the class, the kids sing for the 5:15 Mass—up in the choir loft, in Latin, while I swoon.
(Though the swooning could be from hauling all my weight around.)
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You see, perhaps, why I complain about getting a good group photo. |
At 7:30 we had our church directory photo. It turned out okay but I’M GLAD IT’S DONE because frankly, I find getting—and keeping—this family of eight coiffed, coordinated and presentable to be very stressful. It has to do with physics and entropy and disorder and chaos. Man was not made to stay well-groomed; at least, not my men nor my little girls, either.
So that was yesterday.
Today was better.
The end. I miss you. I hope you’re well.
Before I got married I lived on the corner of Summit and Kent in a very cute and quaint apartment in an old Victorian 2 story with the most charming of landlords that lived on the main floor (the husband was 90 and the wife was in her mid 70s). They were so sweet and I have fond memories. Anyway, one of the best things about living there was walking to the evening Mass at the Cathedral when I got home from work in time. My roommate and I would often walk there (or drive if I came straight from work) and it was such a beautiful transition from the crazy work day to entering into the evening at home. I love the Cathedral so much and it is a joy to go back whenever I can – although I do live about 1 hour west of there now, so I don't get back that often. Thank you for the walk down memory lane!
Margaret, you are so good at living the Liturgical year! The traditions you have with your children even for those little feasts that I forget about (and some I looked up because you were celebrating and I didnt know why) You have taught me so much and it is a topic I am certain you are a great speaker on. I live in Maine so I am guessing i wont be near any of your talks. You might want to consider putting what you have to say in an ebook and sell it.(I know, one more thing to do) But I would buy it!!! You are in my prayers! -trish
Trish, were it not for that AWESOME planner you sent me, I would not be staying on top of all these feasts! (Not…um…that I am, necessarily, but I love love love my planner. Thank you again, dear faraway friend.
I would love to be the resident heckler, but alas, probably won't be able to make the drive down. Bummer. I'll heckle from afar.
And, yes, it's been crazy-busy around here too, but I won't complain because it's all good-busy.
The closest I will get to attending a mass in latin is watching it on EWTN,,,,,you are so BLESSED eh! I spy with my eye in the last photo a "teenager" ;-)……within 5 years you will have to pry with a crowbar yer girls away from the mirror and the howls that will be heard if a hair upon their lovely heads be outta place eh! ;D
Glad you could resurface just a bit to catch us up. I was thinking that maybe the first week of school had gotten the better of you. 🙂 Remember to put those feet up when you can!