I absolutely loved this post.
Read it and see if you can guess why. Leave a comment on my blog with your thoughts and you just might win! (Hint: itβs a give-away. I will be closing comments on this post at midnight.)
Iβm not going to tell you what you might win. You have to make a leap of faith.
Yours sporadically but just as cryptic as always,
Okay, Margaret, I'll bite! Besides the adorable baby/kid pictures, I'll bet it's what Scott Kelby wrote about his wife. Very cool to have that written in a book!
I'm in! Wow – what a dedication in Scott Kelby's book, huh? I'm guessing this about that give-all, loving attitude you've mentioned in the past. π
Sarah's pics are great. Especially that big pout on Posey Pie!! Too cute.
I'll bite too! And I'm also gonna smile a whole lot more! π So are you giving away a dSLR…his book series…a strawberry snowcone???
Yep, a man who treasures his wife is a beautiful thing!
Okay, I'm game. I'm back from reading Sarah's post. You're right. It was good. I've long needed a good book on my Nikon dslr so I appreciate her recommendation.
Oh, and I'm definitely going to try and smile at Mark more. Today I woke up in a nauseated haze and just scowled. Man I'm such a grouch. My poor, poor husband. π
Loved it too. And I think it's about the smile from his wife as well. What a good reminder!! I know how a warm smile makes me feel, I need to work on that. Especially because I've been told countless times that I should "smile!". I retort that God didn't give me a naturally smiley face so I naturally look mad or sad. Ugh. Yep, I need to work on that again!
I read that yesterday and it just made my day! How much happier would the world be if we all just smiled at our husbands more (and every one for that matter), and if we all had babies as sweet as that Posy!
That smile from the Mrs. Kelby is going to keep on giving, isn't it? π
The author's acknowledgment to his wife. π
I have 2 guesses:
1. The dedication to his wife, wonderfully described in the comments above
2. The knowledge that the book series will be easy on YOUR post partum brain
Did I win?
Oh what a wonderful post. So much to like (especially the baby with her own Entertainment Committee)!
But definitely the big take away is the reminder to smile at our husbands. It's not just the smile itself, it's the reminder that every little moment counts. Not that we have to be perfect, happy, cheerful wives every moment, but that part of what makes a loving marriage is a lifetime of little moments. Smiles and love make those moments better. A smile reminds our husbands that we love them, even in the little things (like getting that gallon of milk). I do try to smile at Tom, even though he's not a natural smiler.
This is a great little reminder. Love is shared moment by moment in the daily little tasks of life. That's a wonderful reminder, especially for something as simple as a smile!
I definately need to smile at Hubby more! I smile at STRANGERS , for Pete's sake. Hope I win whatever it is…but I usually don't, LOL.
Ok! The smiling thing has to be it. And I need to do that way more than I do. The saddest part is that he even mentioned this very thing the other day (that I don't smile enough).
The smiles….best marriage advice I ever got was from a priest. Greet your husband at the door everyday with a smile – ok, still do MOST days. Great reminder that's it the little things in life.
giving away a dSLR? j/k… seriously though, sounds like a great book!
That is a great post! Makes me want to go out and buy a new DSLR (since mine broke last year). I've only been doing iPhone pics.
The smiling tribute Scott gives to his wife — something I need to take notes and practice a whole lot more.
And I LOVE the last pic in the post. Just LOVE it.
It has to be the Scott Kelby's comments about his wife. What a good reminder of such a simple thing!
Photography reminds me that it was one of the loves my husband had before we were married and had our children and I should encourage him to do it more and maybe even invest in it some.
You started to like it because it would help you take more cute pictures of your cute kiddos but then you fell in love with it when you read the beautifully written thank you to his wife.
YES! SMILING at your husband!!! LOVE THis and SO needed it as a reminder.
SO, did I win??? π
God bless,
Mary @ Cheerios
It has to be this:
He's been married for 23 years and the one thing he credits with making him the happiest man on the planet is that his wife smiles at him.
Or that really, really cute baby.
God bless you,
p.s. How will you stay up 'til midnight, my dear? You are preggers!
Has to be the smiles! Blessings, Kelly
The beautiful tribute to his wife and reminder how powerful the small gesture of smiling at our husbands (and our kids) can be. Just the reminder I need this week!
At first I was going to say those sweet baby toes in crystal clear quality, but then I read the part about the smiling wife. What a beautiful story and encouragement. Thanks for pointing us to it.
Wow, that smiling bit is pretty awesome. My hubby is now out of town for work. He called last night and I cried the whole while, sad about everything. Tonight maybe he will hear a smile come through the phone. π Thanks for that link.
Definitely the smiling thing! I need to start smiling more. π
Has to be the husband/wife part. Made me smile!
My mind is a little muddled this morning …so as I was reading about all the photography stuff I WAS sorta wondering why you sent me over there. Went back to read your post and had a ohyah moment..then of course all the comments gave it all away.
Totally the hubby/wifey good stuff going on. loved it.
Definitely how the wife smiled at her husband and it made him feel like the luckiest guy in the world. Hubby better look out! There's a smile coming his way today! π
Oh, I don't have time to read such a loooong post….but that sweet little baby, now I like it for that reason alone. (I don't have a fancy camera anyway, so it's all gibberish to me) I do have her on my google reader just to see her pictures….but my google reader is not working….
Can I still be entered?
OK, I read the smile thing and I'm back….LOVE it…need to smile more at hubby. Also at my kiddos.
Love the smile! Such a simple thing that means so much. A great reminder!!
Ah, smile at our husbands, of course! Oh, that's so hard when he walks in at the end of a long day with little ones!
I'm sure your cheeks are sore from smiling so much at your hubby!
That dedication is so heartfelt. I'm sure my husband feels exactly the same way about me. π
A smile-doesn't cost anything, but can change the world! Thanks for the reminder! π
I think it's his tribute to his wife, and the power of something so simple as a smile. But those pics of that adorable baby (and sibs) are beautiful!
Forgot my nameβ¦. Yikes! It's Tami.
Loved the post. I love taking pictures of kids. The next time I'm out with my camera, I'll be sure to try the sweet spot aperture technique. π
The sweet and simple act of smiling…it reminds me of how I feel when my infants smile-and I mean REALLY smile-at me for the first time.
You're so good to draw us back to the simplicity of real life and real marriage. ~Ashley
The post made me realize how little I know about photography and how much more I need to take more pictures. But more importantly, how much I shouldn't take my hubby's happiness for granted and it can start with me. I am going to work on both! Thanks.