Alternately Titled: On being me when being me isn’t easy.
First, a photo.
You see that kid in the turban giving me a raspberry? I lean on him repeatedly throughout my day for a hearty sampling of K.I.S.S. therapy.
I “keep it simple, silly.”
I kiss my boy.
Also? I understand that your life is no less difficult than mine right now. It’s just…different, right? But just as difficult. You may even be facing the same sorts of challenges that I am right now, like…
- The stress of a double-sacrament year—a Confirmation for Joe and a First Communion for Angela. I tell myself that our lives will calm down just as soon as these two receive their sacraments. They’ll have their grace and I’ll have my sanity and we can all return to a more normal existence. That’s what I tell myself, anyway, and my self replies, “Uh huh.”
- The stress of a husband who double-books Confirmation. As in, he signed up to lead a Boy Scout camp-out that weekend because—I totally accept the blame for this one—I did not have the confirmation date on the calendar. “I’ll get him there in time for the ceremony, I promise!” he assured me. “I’ll have him cleaned up! He can take a dry shower!”
Okay, first of all, I don’t even know what a dry shower is. Second of all, augghhhhh!!!!
It’s an extreme version of Death to Self.
I’m told that it is good for me.
- What else? Well, we still have that unemployment stuff going on. Don’t get me wrong—I like seeing my husband’s handsome self more often. It’s being poor that I can do without.
- And then there’s the stress of all this extra weight. I’ll tell you, I am so annoyed at my body right now that it isn’t even funny. I think it likes being overweight! I don’t think it wants to change.
Well, no more treats for it, I mean it. Do you hear me, Body? No more treats for you!
(Except for coffee with cream.)
(And buttered scones.)
(And chocolate.)
- Ants. Forgive me for swearing but I have to. @#!*% ants.
And that’s about it for now, I guess. I mean, there’s also the stress of wrapping up homeschooling for the year…the stress of teenage girls who text my son after 10:00 and the Sarajevo appearance of that same boy’s room……the dishes in the sink and the laundry that needs folding…
But you know what?
It’s all good. It has to be.
I’ve just looked outside and the lilacs are blooming.
And plus there’s a two-year-old that I get to go kiss.
I read your post and thought: Oh, I wish we lived closer so we could sit down with a cup of tea (or coffee) and look at each other and say "Yes, I understand. I know how it is."
Raising a cup of tea to you, and as I juggle various schedules and activities here – I totally get it. Hugs.
Wow! Your husband looks at the calendar? That's pretty awesome. 🙂
Our next sacrament is next year. I don't think we'll ever be double booked. Whew! Prayers for you all.
{{{More hugs}}}
{{{{And a few more}}}}
I can't wait to hear what a dry shower is.
Try to hold on to the truth that the sacraments are about way more than the schedules and the ceremonies and the pictures and the parties — they will receive Jesus and the Holy Spirit no matter what, and no matter whether their showers are wet or dry. 🙂
Hang in there Maggie – it will get better. My husband was out of work for 18 months. And during time, he was laid up for about three months with a back problem that included three herniated discs. I think it was providence that he was not working at the time so he could rest, do PT and get back into good health. It's difficult, but you will get through it. Hugs and prayers.
K.I.S.S. Therapy is the best!
Unfortunately my 2 year old was the sick one last week that caused me to get no sleep for 5 days… : (
I still snuggle him as much as possible : )
Ugh. Texting teenagers…
I too wished we lived closer. I'll take a deep breath and a sip of tea and say a prayer for you and your family.
Pax Christi!
Prayers for your intentions headed your way.
Ants, that's nothing. We moved to Virginia 8 years ago and were introduced to wood roaches.
Shiver. Yuck. We spray monthly.
I've been thinking of you Margaret and wondering how things are. Seriously, most every time I utter my sweet Margaret's name, I think of the other sweet Margaret I know. That's you, silly 🙂 So, you are thought of often and I always enjoy when you catch us up. May your days be blessed amid the busy-ness.
LMBBO!! (i.e. Laugh My Big Butt Off)
Okay, first off, I'm glad you "checked in" because I was wondering and was going to do a facebook well-check on you. 😉
Second off, I feel your pain. Last year my two boys made their Fist Communions together and it landed on my daughters birthday. We made it through it all well and unscathed and I know you will, too.
Guess what…we have @#!*% ants, too!! They are everywhere!! Ugh, ugh and ugh. And the children with their gazillion little crumbs are not helping the situation at all.
And I'm sure this will come as such a surprise to you (not!), but I'm still struggling with the weight, too. I have made some progress, but not as much or as quickly as I would have liked. I also blame the lattes and chocolate.
Please know we're praying for your husband… and for you. Two year old kissies are real balm for a mother's heart.
P.S. Lilacs are my favorite flower. They're just starting to bloom here, too. 🙂
We all have our things. You are right.
Although, it's nice having hubby home, it's also different than the normal routine and that's great for a while, but we need somewhat of a routine, right? That can make things hard too. Be easy on yourself.
We all need hugs and K.I.S.S.'s!!
I'm fatter than all of you put together and because of pumping have no "extra" time to exercise–doing Weight Watchers though…
I think you need time with Jesus, bring all this to Jesus for your Holy Hour Sun AM!!!!
((((hugs)))) We all need those!
Do I dare say you need cookies for your double sacrament celebrations?;) Hugs for you!
Thank you, everyone, for the cyber-hugs and prayers! And I apologize–I meant for this post to be lighthearted and funny (you know, sort of a lemons-to-lemonade theme) but I think in the end I just sound needy.
This isn't say that I'm NOT needy…only that it wasn't my goal to sound that way.
It's not that bad! And it really is all good. 🙂
PS. Grace, is that an offer?!
Yes! I'll email you.:)
Ha, I'm in a similar position. 1st Communion, GULP, TOMORROW! DH suggested something different for the meal and I ordered party platters instead (I'm not going to hyper-ventilate, I'm not going to hyper-ventilate…). Older dds are in varsity softball tourney at 10am TOMORROW (last game could start at 3pm – we're to be at the church at 3:30pm and the field is 1/2 hr away)! (Kind of could use the extra hands on deck as the other three are still little (6 & under)). Older dds wanted to go to the Lifeline event at their school TOMORROW! DH wanted to give blood TOMORROW!?!? (Luckily, he looked at the calendar and noticed WE'RE BUSY!) Got Mommy guilt, made older two dds first communion dresses and veils. Bought this dd's dress and embellished a headband.
Oh, I'm sure we'll survive… Last year we came home from Spring break to a flooded basement and had the 2 dds' Confirmation 2 months later (had a 7 month old baby and got a new puppy – don't ask, I don't know how we got there).
Jesus , I trust in You!
Hey there. You didn't sound needy to me. You sounded funny. But the funniest thing of all is this business of you needing to lose weight. Such nonsense.
Well,I, too wasn't thinking needy–but funny! I can relate to you. I'll keep up the prayers. Gotta love all those flowers that are starting to bloom!!
PS K.I.S.S. therapy—great stuff. Love it here too!
Years ago, my Dad told me about a great ant killer called Terro. It really works. has a store locator if you'd like to give it a try.
I'm a longtime lurker, but I want to let you know you've been in our prayers and will continue to be.
God Bless!
feelin' for ya. We had the double sacraments here 2 years ago – minus the dry shower 🙂
if they are really tiny ants that eat everything but sugar (chip crumb, cereal, etc.) they are grease ants. We put traps everywhere my toddler couldn't reach in the kitchen. They are also called thief ants and really really hard to get rid of. It was a yearly event. We almost called a pro. Instead we moved…and now deal with snakes. though closing doors keeps them out – the ants were so much harder
Terro really does work!
I am in your shoes Margaret! I am going to do a very simple meal for Zach's confirmation. SO crazy trying to put on a fancy meal.
I am also like you in that I do squeeze and love that 2 yr old of mine also. She keeps me going. As does grace. oh and chocolate also. Don't care what the scale says or my jeans are a little tight…not giving that little pleasure up!
Please update about the dry shower! That is hilarious! ya might want to have a can of Right Guard by the door.
I don't often comment, but I love it when people comment on my blog so I'm trying to turn over a new leaf.
You didn't sound needy to me at all. You sound like you have a lot on your plate, so much so that you have to laugh about it because if you don't you might lose it. Acknowledging that others have "stuff" too is fine, but it doesn't make your "stuff" any less stressful (most of the time).
Many prayers for you, and maybe some day I'll give you a real non-cyber (((((Margaret)))) (MN home school conference this year?)
P.S. I was never a coffee drinker until I discovered that you can drink coffee without it tasting like coffee (can you say yummy chocolate creamer?!?!)! I would drink tea, but I can't find anything to make it not taste like tea…lol!
Just have to chime in here about ants. My mom had that problem a couple years ago and it got so bad we gave in and hired someone to come out and spray. He also told us to get rid of ALL old lumber or logs piled up on the property because ants like to make homes in them and they will travel across a city yard from the nest into your home. Mom had some old logs and firewood near the edge of her property that we cleared away and we did discover ants in them! We haven't seen an ant in the house since we cleared those logs away. So if you have any old firewood stashed under a porch or in a pile on your property, get rid of it! It should help! 🙂
Prayers, Margaret…that your husband finds the perfect job for him/your family and soon. Our youngest child was just Confirmed at the Easter Vigil. It was very beautiful and I breathed a great big sigh of relief that my kids' childhood sacraments were completed. And I too am struggling weight-wise…I feel like a big, fat hog eating all the sweets/sugar/carbs I've been indulging in. I think my body likes being overweight also. I'm very seriously considering going back on South Beach…phase 1 for like the next 10 years! I recently read a woman should be 100 lbs. for her first 5 feet of height and 5 lbs. for each inch of height over 5 feet. I'm only 5'1".
Hi Margaret,
We just had our oldest child make her First Communion on Sunday. It was so awesome! This week seems light in comparison to last week! Whew! The second hardest part for me was getting the house clean. The best thing that helped me was when someone volunteered to help do or bring something, I said yes. The hardest part was being stressed about her preparation, because I did it all myself. In the end it all worked out beautifully and was a wonderful day. And oh, yes, two-year olds are great for kisses and hugs!