Yes, I was very disappointed.
Lots of Coffee, lots of kids. It's a peaceful life.
by Minnesota Mom Filed Under: Minnesota Me, Pregnancy, Spiritual Growth 40 Comments
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I’m Margaret in Minnesota, and this is my mom's-eye perspective of a kid-heavy life. I love the Lord; I take lots of photos; and I try to always tell it like it is, from sex to depression and everything in between! I hope you enjoy your time here. ♥
me too 🙁
So sorry.
I think we all are 🙁 Not to add to the pressue of it all. Hugs to you today, sweet Margaret.
You know, I didn't realize how caught up in the possibility of it I was (was having fun teasing you, even) until I took the first test yesterday afternoon. I even made my husband go back out and buy another test so I could take one first thing this morning!
(The pregnancy hormone is supposed to build up in one's urine overnight.)
Oh well. It's nothing like the pain of miscarriage–just disappointment and a sigh of "Oh, I should have loved to hold that newborn."
Shoot. Not trying to compound your feelings, but I think we all loved knowing it was a possibility. Those babies sure are something, huh? Sigh.
So sorry, sweet Maggie. Hugs.
OH MAN! I was crossing my fingers and crossing my toes….I can do that ya know. I have huge toes!
Oh sweetie, I'm sorry. {{gentle hugs}} I am glad you tested; the flipside, for me, to what I said yesterday is that I was always glad that I'd tested, even when the answer wasn't what I'd hoped for, because then when my cycle did finally start, I wasn't plagued with thoughts of, "is this a really early miscarriage?" (because at that point you can't know without expensive lab testing)
Cycles do get wonky … That can mean a few different things: two eggs released a couple of weeks apart, or an egg released much later in the cycle. Knowing when or if to test can get comical! 🙂
I am sorry, but there is much fun in trying again. 🙂
Katie C
Ha! Thank you, Katie! That's a great perspective.
Hmph. I am disappointed, too. Thank you for being so beautifully open to life, Margaret.
Oh darn, hugs and prayers to you! And if I was closer I'd bring you chocolate too.
Awww, I'm sorry.
So sorry.
I'm sorry.
But there is always hope in trying again.
and again.
Have a great day anyway Sweet Maggie.
Love and blessings~
Aw! That was disappointing! I'm with Katie, though! 😉
I'm sorry. I agree about that trying business though. 🙂 God Bless.
So sorry Maggie. I'll offer up some extra prayers for you today!
A negative test is always a sad thing, we all already loved that possible baby.
My husband just told me last weekend that he doesn't want anymore kids (we have 5). He thinks we are "too old." He's 42 and I will soon be 40. It makes me sad. I don't think we are too old at all! Can you pray please? I prayed that either God will change his heart to desire a baby or change mine to NOT desire one. So far my heart still desires one. 🙁
Thanks, Janet
Oh, I'm sorry. But thanks for taking us on this wild ride.
Oh bummer, bummer, bummer. I was really looking forward to a string of morning-sick posts. Sigh.
Big hugs to ya today. Go give that little George a great big kiss on his delectable cheeks today. That'll make you feel better.
I'm so sorry, Margaret. I go through this every month. 🙁
Awww…so sorry. It's so much fun and shocking to get a positive test and so disappointing to get a negative test.
At 50 years of age, Dear Lord, I do not need a fun and shocking positive test…..thank you. 🙂
Sorry to see that. I hate that brand of test, btw. It's so jarring with the words there.
We all did find joy in waiting with you. I almost got myself to think I was expecting a new little one too…
God bless Margaret. And get lots of hugs from you Nini today!
I've had the same experience. Two (or more)weeks late and not pregnant. Two weeks of dreaming about "what if" and then the missing what wasn't actually there. Take comfort in knowing it wasn't your decision but our Lord's and he knows you, your family, and his plan for everyone.
(((hugs))) I'm sorry for your disappointment.
awww….. 🙁 bummer. I don't care if I *think* that I don't want another, aren't ready, whatever–blah blah blah. If I take that test and it is negative, I'm always disappointed. Because your heart starts to soar at the thought, the mention of the possiblity of the possibility! Sorry to hear it.
((((just hugs)))
you and me both, Margaret… {{{hugs}}}
I'm sorry for your disappointment.
I'm sorry. God bless you.
I am sorry. Sending hugs your way.
Aw, I'm so sorry! Get a big hug from that cute little boy of yours. 🙂
Sigh. 🙁
{{{{{Hugs, Mags}}}}}
And a few more: {{{{{{Mags}}}}}}