The Pancake Breakfast Edition
The process of making pancakes for the masses is nothing if not a pretty one.
What? You don’t agree? You do not find this photo to be the very soul of tranquility?
I’ll zoom in on Mary and you cannot agree with that.
Okay, so, we may well quibble about the first photo being “pretty”.
Fair enough.
And yet…and YET…
You cannot deny that this grin is happy.
Feign to deny it!
Or how ‘bout this one?
I win!
(At least, my daughter found it funny to crack an egg on her mother’s head.)
(And in her defense, I cracked an egg on her head first.)
Look, I’m trying very hard to be more playful. You know I take life too seriously sometimes, right? Well, just imagine living with me!
My children clearly aren’t used to such messy antics, however, as there were several open mouths at this egg-cracking exchange. I think I’ll try a food fight next.
(You think I’m kidding, don’t you.)
Harrumph. (That’s the sound of me clearing my throat.) In closing, I’d like to end this post by going back to the beginning.
Because the truth is, almost all of my photos fall into the “real”category these days.
My dishwasher’s broken.
So’s my coffee maker. (See Take #6.)
The baseboards in my kitchen have been ripped off for months, waiting on our schedule and the installation of new flooring, and oh! Did I mention that we’ve got ants?
It’s a very real life and it’s mine all mine.
Thank you, God, for the gifts of it.
{pretty happy funny real}.
Hi Margaret, your honesty in your morning of making pancakes is wonderful! Your children looked like they enjoyed it very much. Your pictures are fun!
Oh and you're a much cooler mom than me, I don't think I could handle an egg being cracked over my head. Your children must have thought you were the coolest!
A quick tip on the ants. They hate Febreeze. Spray some where the ants are marching and they'll go away.
Ok, I get the broken dishwasher. I do. But please tell me the dish soap was not an ingredient in the pancakes (hence its placement on the kitchen counter with all the other ingredients). Please.
Barbara, I'll never tell!
(That picture IS incriminating, though.)
Rushing out to buy Febreeze now…
The ants were driving me crazy and someone online suggested Terro (small bottle of liquid sugary borax stuff at the hardware store –$3). The ants drank it up like drunken sailors then they went away and have not returned in 3 weeks. I am happy.
Lovely lady in a PRETTY dress having a HAPPY and FUNNY time making pancakes with her REAL family…at least that's my interpretation.;) Don't think I didn't spot THE DRESS in that egg pic…"and she did it all with flair!"
All the photos look like they fit in the happy category to me. 🙂
My dishwasher's broken too!
I hopped over here from the Mother Like Daughter blog especially because your blog is titled Minnesota Mom. I grew up in MN. As my husband says, you can take the girl out of MN but you can't take the MN out of the girl. I really enjoyed your real takes of your life!!! Thanks for sharing.
Oh, Maggie, I have to tell you that your picture with egg on your head looks like you have some fierce underarm hair!!! I'm here to make sure that everyone knows…I know you IRL and you DO NOT have gorilla underarms! I know it's your cute, wispy bangs, but I thought if *I* had to do a double take, I'd better let other readers know the truth.
OKAY, Can I say something I thought was funny? In the egg broken over the head picture, you are wearing "the dress"!!! SO, I picture you making pancakes in your beautiful dress and toe peep heels now!!
Glad our home is not the only home a mess in the morning. (well, it is all the time)
Oh, just caught on to the Febreeze comment….I'll have to remember that one, I hate putting out the Terro. I hate leaving poison out.
Jenn's comment is just so funny.
We do know you like Europe and you have gotten those, ummm, you know books from the library….
Wait a doggone minute. Didn't you just get a new dishwasher?
Ants here too. Always in June!
Maggie, clearly I'm not used to such messy antics from you either, as I had my mouth open at this egg-cracking exchange as well.
The first thing in this picture I noticed was your lovely dress, then the seemingly massive tufts of underarm hair!!! (but I know that's only your bangs….) then finally, the egg!!!
Thanks for "keeping it real!!" Love George's 'look' with the blueberrry stains on his face.
Love and blessings~
This was hilarious! Whoa–your coffee maker is broken? And here I've been complaining that my dryer is on its third week of being broken. That is nothing compared to the loss of a coffee maker. Now I'm desperately hoping that the coffee maker doesn't decide to die on me.
Jenn, I will be forever indebted to you for pointing out to…well, the world that I do indeed shave my armpits.
Or do I??
I truly am laughing out loud. This has got to be one of *the best* phfr post ever! …with some of the best comments ever.
Thank you, Margaret for making me smile. 🙂
btw, my kitchen looks way worse right now than yours and there is absolutely nothing wrong with my dishwasher. *sigh*
God bless you! I'm not opposed to a pillow fight or a water gun fight, but food? I foresee no end to the ant problem in that case!
I do agree, though, that if you have kids, it is really important to have fun with them and make memories.
Wonderful post!
And, you were in your 'new' dress with the egg cracked on your head. Egg whites are supposed to provide a good facial … I haven't tried that either!
Terro works great for ants. One drop and they'll carry it all back to their home and stay there forever – entombed.
For anyone still reading through these comments, that dress is a very forgiving fabric and washed up beautifully.
I figure, why not get some wear out it this summer?
(in reasonable shoes, naturally)
(not tennies, though)
(because that would just be visual torture)
Nadja, if we did the food fight we would do it in the backyard. I saw the idea in a homeschooling book, believe it or not. Those crazy homeschoolers!
You´ve cracked an egg on your daughte´r´s head??? You crazy americans 🙂 Greetings and god bless from Germany (I absolutely love those pictures), Nicole.
I am pretty goofy with my kids compared to my stoic german husband..however, I have never had an egg on my head! YOU ROCK!
sending a big hug…NOBODY should be without a coffee maker. Dishes can soak for days..but a good cupajoe is a must…for sanity reasons.
You are too funny!!
Thanks for joining! You made my day!