It is right and fitting that redeemed people should live no longer for themselves but solely for Him Who died for them! A noble soul constantly focuses its thoughts, affections and aspirations on eternity. Whatever is not eternal, whatever is not infinite is valueless to it. We should raise ourselves above all vain pleasures, our eyes fixed on eternal riches.
St. Francis de Sales
(Actually this is from Daily with De Sales.)
(HT: my friend Karen)
People seemed freaked out by the Blogger meltdown and yet, for some reason it didn’t bug me. Yes, it was kind of annoying to have Just Put Up a Brand New Post only to have it snatched away—and along with it, all of its potential comments—but then I thought, it is what it is.
I mean, really. In the words of my husband, it’s just a blog. My biggest worry should be losing this archive of stories and memories, not whether or not a certain post met its Minimum Daily Requirement of feedback.
So I am thinking about backing up this blog* while acknowledging, with a smile and a sigh, that said thoughts will have probably moved on to a hundred different things by noon. This is why the above quote from St. Francis de Sales really spoke to me—because at any given moment my thoughts are in a hundred different places: My chest looks too big in this ruffly blouse…I shouldn’t be eating this third deviled egg…I don’t feel like doing these dishes right now…Why doesn’t So & So ever leave a comment?…I’ll never be able to write like Simcha Fisher…—and as you can see these thoughts are all about me.
It’s…ridiculous but very human, I guess, which is why I thank God for the reminder by St. Francis and which is why, once again and again and again, I will try to keep my thoughts on Him.
*To this end I did a quick Google search and came up with a very long list of links. Has anyone backed up their blog before? What method do you recommend?
Dear Mr and MN Mom…
Yes, it is just a blog, but it is amazing how our Blessed Lord can use earthly vain passing things like a blog, its author to inspire individuals to become better people!! I have read some books that I never would have seen nor heard of if it haven't been featured on someones blog. As I watch TV (not very often as it makes me too sad) or read the news, specially about murder or abuse, reading blogs such as yours gives me HOPE that there are still decent people trying to do the best they can to raise happy, affirmed, children while still remaining married. "Oh, yah" I can hear those negitive nellies exclaim….those bloggers only show and tell certain things……but if you look into the eyes of child (and adults) you can see the truth 😉
Hear endeth my sermon…Please back up your blog MN mom, as when I need a dose of baby cute I like to look at little George as wittle wee one.
Theresa, that is very kind. Thank you.
PS. Little George will be 2 in one week! I refuse to accept this and am going to Michaels to buy some spray fixative. He will stay little & cute forever! He will! He will!
You might consider a book of your blog, too. Monica at the Homespun Heart posted on that recently. Her book is beautiful. And nothing against Simcha, but I love reading YOU and I'm glad you don't write like her! 🙂
I don't mind admitting it, I was upset by the loss. The post I had up was pretty personal and important to me–as were the comments. Because of this, I find your words to be fairly off-putting and hurtful. It feels like you've taken it upon yourself to chastise the rest of us for not being as virtuous as you.
I hadn’t thought about the possibility of people losing important posts and I can see why I sound virtuous. I’m sorry, Christina. I truly didn’t mean to offend.
(Thank you, though, for saying something.)
(This is yet another example of how my thoughts are too often all about me.)
Thank you for sharing your list of "me" thoughts. I have thoughts like that, too. I worry, though, that I sort of hide behind the 'ridiculous but human' reason. I always come back to 'all things in balance'. But balance is hard.
Enjoy your day!
i was upset by the loss only because i couldn't comment!!! and like you (because my mind moves a thousand miles per second) i was quickly on to other thoughts…as i am right now…because i shouldn't even be on the computer right now as there is sheer anarchy going on downstairs. brought about by the presence of 2 new kittens which i swear we are NOT keeping. so…with that thought i just meant to say i loved this prayerful tidbit you shared. i love YOU. and your honesty and i hope you have a beautiful day!!!
ps. if you find a way to keep george 2 let me know if it works. these kids are growing TOO fast for my liking!!
ps. detachment to blogs and posts and all things SELF related is so hard btw. i have never backed up blog. or even pictures *gasp*
i guess i just don't have the energy. and wordpress has eaten some of my words before. it hurts but i figure it just must not have been meant to be. (that is when i let the Holy Spririt move my fingers!!!)if left to my own devices i write THE most ridiculous things. beneficial to no one but myself!!!
getting off soapbox.
my word verification is pstop. as in pleasestop…at least thats how i see it! 🙂
I have never even thought about backing up my blog. I should though, because I would hate to lose all the little family stories that I put on there. The blog helps me feel better about being a slacker on baby books and photo albums. I lost 3 posts, but they all came back somehow without me doing anything but wait, so I was glad about that.
Just a blog? Makes me want to retort like Fonzie to Mr. C : Just a bike? And I suppose your mother is just a mother! Hee Hee.
Love, A