Uffda! Major storms in the Cities yesterday at the same time as George’s 2nd birthday party. (Perhaps you saw my Facebook status. He had an enormous Curious George balloon and we had margaritas. It was all good.)
Not so for some of the folks in Minneapolis, though! I am beyond relieved that my friend Erin is okay. You just never know, do you? Between the tornadoes and the would-be rapture, I’m just happy to be here. “Stay close to Jesus!” I tell the kids. “Stay in a state of grace.”
Because really, that’s what it all comes down to: being good to go at any time.
(This is not to say that my bags are packed. Were there to be a sudden evacuation, I’d be in big—no, HUGE—trouble.)
I have been taking great consolation in the Gospel readings for this liturgical season—specifically, the Acts of the Apostles. The early apostles were so…fervent after Pentecost. Man, those men had gumption! I do find the book of Acts to be a bit challenging, though, and to that end I am reading/praying/ studying with The Navarre Bible edition. Annotations! Texts and commentaries! Perfect for a stay-at-home scholar!
Leaving you now to go deal with my six-year-old who wants to abscond with her brother’s Curious George balloon. Leaving you with this passage to chew on (from the pen of St. John Chrysostom):
They became perfect men, extraordinary men, now that the Holy Spirit has come upon them. All Christ’s promises and predictions—He who believes in me will do these and even greater works, you will be dragged before tribunals and kings and beaten in the synagogues, and will suffer grievous things, and yet you will overcome your persecutors and executioners and will bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth—all this, how it came to pass, may be seen in this admirable book. Here you will see the Apostles speeding their way over land and sea as if on wings. These Galileans, once so timorous and obtuse, we find suddenly change into new men, despising wealth and honor, raised above passion and concupiscence. (Homily on Acts, 1)
May we do—and be—likewise.
We went to visit Tom's brother and his family in Robbinsdale yesterday, we stepped out of the van, after traveling through very dark skies and heavy rainfalls, to sirens going off everywhere. We went directly to their basement and waited it out.
They are not praying people, so we just had to trust. Trust, we did and we are all fine.
Happy birthday George!!!! God bless him!!!
2 is busy!!
Glad you are all ok.
Yup, we're fine. Spent 45 min. in the basement, but the high winds passed a few miles north of us.
We did have a tornado come down our street two years ago, though, so don't believe all the folks saying that it never happens in the city!
Pray for Joplin, MO today – they need it.
Well, the Good News is that you don't actually have to have your bags packed! You can't take it with you!
I posted something similar today (though not as beautifully said) because my family lives in Joplin, MO which was devastated.
I did heard that Minnesota was hit hard with the storms and tornadoes. We had a lot of lightening (which was intense) and thunder this weekend and other than that we were fine.
I did hear too about the supposed Rapture and I'm guessing the group behind the latest rapture declaration will use the intense weather as a warning to us all.
Glad you were all ok!
My 2 oldest dds received their confirmation on Saturday. We had the reception afterward at home and had the sirens go off for the tornado in Medina. Luckily everyone was safe and sound, but I felt bad for my friend having her an open house for her ds high school graduation.