Vol. XXVI for Me
The What’s Wrong/What’s Right with this World Edition
What’s wrong with this world? The current temperature.

Assuming you live in Antarctica.
Or in Minnesota.
What’s right with this world? Football.
Because they’re outside playing and I’m inside watching—the perfect symbiotic relationship!
Who are you rooting for?
What’s wrong with this world? Reverse Racism.
I’m sorry, but I am reluctant to buy the NAACP’s excuse about boxing up this statue of George Washington. Please, if you haven’t already, run—don’t walk—to read this post by Simcha Fisher: Brilliant Men in Dark Boxes.
Because our kids are growing up with this.
Abortion. Abortion is what’s really wrong with this world.
Look, I’m sorry to be so grim and depressing in what is normally a very light-hearted blog, but when I read about this doctor’s heinous crimes…and that he’s being charged with eight counts of murder…
All I can think is…what’s the real and substantive difference between what he did and what hundreds of doctors do every day?
It’s all pretty horrible to think about.
But we should.
What’s right with this world? Fighting the battle for truth.
What’s right with this world? Our babies. Our children.
Love them. Teach them. Raise them strong.
What do you do when life is cold and overwhelming?
You pray a lot and you eat soup, is what.
Soup is definitely what’s right with this world.
(Buy these ingredients and you’ll be ready.)
and have a prayerful, hopeful weekend. Go Packers!
Take 2: DA BEARS, of course!! (Sorry Maggie, but I always root for anyone playing against the Cheeseheads….)
You said, "I’m sorry to be so grim and depressing…" but, you know, it needs to be reiterated, over and over again.
Takes 5, 6 and 7: Beautiful!!
You can call them Cheeseheads if you like, Lori, but that Aaron Rodgers sure is cute…
And what's more, I'm French. I LIKE cheese.
Seriously, is there really a question about who is going to win on Sunday? Of course the Packers are going to the Super Bowl! 😉 Go PACK Go!!!!!!!
"I like Cheese" – great comeback!! 🙂
That first one cracks me up, Margaret! Are those the results of hanging things on a clothesline in MN this time of year? And I'm too wimpy to hang things out in anything under 45 degrees…!
Ain't much better here in Alberta 🙁
Theresa in Alberta
P.S. That soup looks delish mmmmmm
Of course THE PACKERS are going to win!!!!
Hey –
I said I'm ROOTING for DA BEARS,
but I fear the stinkin' pack probably will win.
Oh, hey, we like cheese here, too.
And I do have a few very good friends in WI…. I just don't like those Cheeseheads. I think it was something ingrained in my upbringing…
Packers all the way, natch 🙂
But oh! it's cold!! Yikes.
Go Packers! 🙂