…on the first day of September:
The religious teacher must always work with God. She may never presume to believe that she can educate the child with her own resources. Every honest teacher must agree with the author of the Book of Proverbs, “Of the way of a man in his youth, I am utterly ignorant.”
Though she may study psychology for whole decades, and observe the young for thirty or forty years, she will still have to confess that the heart of a child is a riddle and a puzzle. This heart is like wax, and it is so easy to make an impression that will continue through life an eternity.
The first impressions are generally the deepest and strongest. How great is the danger lest we make a mistake, lest we use a form of punishment or give advice that may mar the whole future of the child! How sorely therefore are we in need of the light of the Holy Spirit!
Let us use all the earthly means at our disposal. Let us prepare for our classes to the best of our ability. Let us not miss any opportunity for enlarging our knowledge and for improving our practical skill in teaching.
But all this labor will be in vain if we do not beg God daily to bless our humble efforts with His little ones, so that He may direct our words, our actions, our every movement in the school, lest our zeal work harm instead of good.
Happy Back-to-School, everyone! May God bless you and your every effort; may God bless your family; may God bless your school.
*Note from the Teacher: Many of you are not starting until next week. We are not starting until next week. Surprise! I needed the extra time to shop and plan and prepare our Schultütes, known (unfortunately) around here as “tooter poopers.”
“You’d best behave,” I warn my kids, “Or there will be no toot in your poop!”
Because I am just that mature.
**Proof that we aren’t beginning until next week? We are at the State Fair today! Stop back later for an update.
Thanks for that, Maggie. I really like the part about the heart of a child being a riddle and a puzzle! How true that is.
We must rely on God, that's for sure, I don't know how one can homeschool without Him.
God bless your start back to school too.
(we are waiting til next week)
Thank you for that beautiful post, Margaret. Their hearts really are like wax, aren't they? So impressionable…
God bless your family, school, and you, too, dear lady. (We'll begin school next week.)
Happy new year, hon.
I feel so incompetent when I read your post. Reminds me of my last Confession — Father told me they learn patience from mother. I just know I'm going to mess them up. Oh, the stress! 😉