“St. Monica constantly kept the conversion of her son in mind. She wept much, begged God insistently, and never stopped asking good and wise people to speak to her son and try to convince him to abandon his errors. One day St. Ambrose, the bishop of Milan, whom she had already visited several times, took his leave from her in words that have been the consolation of so many mothers and fathers throughout the centuries: Go away from now. As you live, it is impossible the the son of such tears should perish. The example of St. Monica remained engraved on the soul of St. Augustine so that years later, perhaps recalling his mother, he exhorted: Do everything in your power to obtain the salvation of those in your family.”
From In Conversation with God, Vol. VII
St. Monica, on your feast day today and always, pray for us!
I will spend my day asking St. Monica to pray for my own sons. Who better to understand a mother's fears? God bless you today, darling.
This so resonates with me. I have many extended family members who have fallen away from the Church and it so saddens me. I do pray for them! Thanks for sharing this!