It’s a good thing I’m not getting paid to update this blog every day, ‘cause if I were…
Man, would my boss be mad at me.
We’re still here though, as overworked and underpaid as always. Our days alternate between lazy-daisy and crazy-busy, in true summer fashion, and I find that—as always—I am eating up the season in great big gulps. I love summer in Minnesota—love it and hate it, actually, because eventually it has to end.
And that makes me sad.
It makes me sad that baseball and soccer are winding to a close—sad and relieved, I have to admit, because four nights a week is a big commitment. Some of you are snorting at this, I know, thinking, “Four nights a week of sports? That’s nothing!” What can I say? I like the emotional freedom of an empty planner.
the kid could at least tuck his shirt in.
Still, I have also loved watching my kids play ball. I have loved seeing the sportsmanship, skill and confidence that they get from playing on a team, and I have loved the excuse to spend time outside. The dishes and the dirty floor will always be there! But the breezy summer nights, the flickering sun, and the green—all that green—will not.
What else. Well, Baby Anthony is no longer a baby at all and for that that reason will heretofore be referred to as “George.” (Sorry, Charlotte. ☺) He is walking everywhere, albeit in true drunken-sailor fashion with a stagger here and a whoomph onto the padded bottom there.
What else. Well, John & George & I went to my niece’s wedding last Saturday and it was good, very good. Summer weddings filled with family & fun are yet another reason why I love summer.
This is Jenna & her husband Matt:

For the gals, here’s a shot of the wedding gown:
And for the guys, here’s a link to Matt’s hockey stuff: Matt’s hockey stuff.
I took a lot of photos at the wedding. This is one of my favorites:
It was so cool.
It made us cry.
Does this shot look familiar, ladies? Does your husband do this at public events?
There weren’t too many children at the reception (it was held at a local art gallery) but they made an exception for the above little gate crasher. I’m thinking it’s cause he is so darn sweet, but then again, I’m biased.
One of the things that I loved about this wedding is that no one blew himself up at it. You think I’m kidding but I’m not. Especially now as we head into a holiday weekend, I am thanking God for the freedom we have, and for the men & women who have made it possible.
Stepping off my soapbox now…
…and wishing you a blessed & beautiful 4th. We are hosting our semiannual neighborhood potluck on Saturday and there is no end of shopping to be done today. Still, it was nice to check in and let you know what we’ve been up to.
(In my case, it’s 5 feet 0, on a good day.)
(Ba da bum.)
Happy 4th of July weekend!
Oh, my goodness, if I were a good writer like you, I could have written exactly what you wrote about summer!!
I get this almost panic feeling in my tummy when I hear "July" because I know it's basically 1/2 over, right? I just dread the cold and gray and all that goes with all of it!
I was thinking about you yesterday and hoping you, too, were enjoying the summer (sparse blogging like me) and am happy you are!!
Beautiful photos! Your nieces dress looks different in the first photo, did she change into a different one for the reception? (or is it a purse?)
Thanks for checking in and happy 4th to you!!
(I totally agree with the crazy busy or lazy daisy days, wow, how true!)
Good eye, Jamie! Yes, she changed into a different dress. I didn't realize it until I looked the photos, but then again I'd had a martini. 😉
I don't comment often, but I so enjoy your posts… you are truly gifted! Happy 4th! +JMJ+
Thank you for your beautiful words about Minnesota Summers. I love it and hate it here all at the same time.
The wedding pictures were beautiful as were the bride, groom and many of the attendees 😉 (especially George).
Have a great 4th!
I was wondering where you were!!! Just about ready to send out a search party for you but I figured you were actually enjoying your summer days instead of bemoaning them like we are here. Although, the recent rain has been nice.
You can call that little sweetie anything you want and I won't mind as long as you keep posting pictures of his sparkly eyes!
I don't follow hockey but I think your niece's husband has a nice smile (I hear that often times, hockey players don't). And so does your dad, by the way!!!
Enjoy the rest of your summer, sweetie!
I missed you this week, but then realized that all of us Minnesotans were out and about enjoying the summer too much to blog. Happy Summer Days! Oh how I will miss these come January.
I love 'George'. Totally fits and works for little Mr. Handsome.
Enjoy your weekend!
Another good post. You make me smile. May you and yours enjoy your Independence weekend/day! You should see all the ships in the harbor here . . . there's some RIMPAC thing going on and there's ours and theirs (foreign). Pretty neat! Steel gray and under way. It really impresses me to drive over the bridge to the island and see the Ronald Reagan birthed nearby. Power! And, in her shadow, the USS Missouri and the USS Arizona memorial. It's really something else. God bless!
Ditto Jamie Jo's first paragraph. Also missed you writing and glad to get the update. Glad you are all enjoying the super summer. Gotta love that sunshine!!
Great to see a post! The photo of your dh made me laugh. Yes, too typical.
BTW my verification word is COFFEE. Who knew Blogger was psychic!
I would like to buy a portable electronic jammer that would render blackberries and the like unusable. If one does not exist, it needs to be invented. Should be small enough to fit in a purse. I think many many wives would line up to buy them.