And just in time for his first birthday, too!
(which is in one week from yesterday)
What’s up with all that stuff in the background, I’m wondering? You’d think that, I don’t know, we were moving or something.
We’re not, by the way.
We just like to pretend that we are on the Internet.
Oh and hey, I should probably come up with a pseudonym for “New Baby” now that he is turning one.* Any suggestions? How about…George?
*Ed. Note: For those of you who felt concerned, deceived, surprised and/or delighted that I use blog names for my children, I will offer the following reassurance: My husband asked and I obeyed. Aren’t I a good little Pookita?
So sweet! So Anthony isn't really Anthony???
Stand in the place where you live, now face north…
What a cutie! Please, don't call him George! It makes me think of "love him and squeeze him and call him George". How about one of the other saints of his birthday? Philip, Simeon, Patrick, Vincent, Felix or David? Maybe John or Bosco since Our Lady Help of Christians was the image of the Blessed Virgin that St. John Bosco saw in a dream.
BTW… My Sunshine will offer a prayer for your guy, her birthday buddy, on their special day!
What little boy doesn't want to be St. George the Dragonslayer! All mine have been that Saint for All Saints at least once…
I am partial to the name George, I'll admit. It is my father's name and he's only the GREATEST DAD EVER. (I'm sorry, everyone, but it's true.) I would have named one of my sons George IRL but then, given his last name, he would have had to smoke cigars and wear little round glasses.
OK, I guess I can refrain from quoting a cartoon in my head when I see his cute face, but only if you promise to dress him up like George Burns sans cigar and take a picture…just once! I loved that old guy!
Good for you—not only for obeying your husband, but also for shielding your children!
I've been reading you for more than a year, but this is my first comment. I kind of like the name Anthony.
Mom in MO
Too cute!
Good for you for listening to your hubby and protecting your children! I was a bit surprised though. I totally think that little cutie pie looks like an Anthony! Plus, that's one of my favorite names, my sons middle name is that as well, he was born 1 month, 3 days before your little man. 🙂
I've been thinking too about going back through my blog and removing his name… Sooo…is your name really Margaret? 😉
Okay, reading these comments now has me totally confused! He really IS Anthony, no? Okay, I'll straighten it all out when I see you at the conference next week..BTW, praying for you as you prepare for your talks. Cannot wait to hear them! 🙂
Hey, the other day Angela was drawing a picture full of head people (that's how she draws people now) and she kept saying it was for baby St Anthony. "It's for Baby St Anthony, you know, the one who came here to play?" Finally we all understood, she was talking about your Anthony!!!
SO, we have a picture for him.
Such a good wifey, so obedient.
These psedonyms are confusing aren't they? Especially when us bloggers get together!!
I got it straight though.
Anthony is really Anthony but will soon get a bloggy name like the others.
We used some of the kiddos angel's names & some fun names. Some bloggers use middle names, some use nicknames, some use real names, some use cutsie names…..
Sarah: He really is who he is right now until we decide to change him.
There now. Clear as mud? 🙂
Oh, yeah, while trying to figure out what Angela was saying, we kept saying, "Yes, St Anthony holds baby Jesus"!!
I'm sure she thought we were crazy!
OMG, Charlotte "said" what I was thinking (fat cat loving on Sylvester the cat). Funny! If you go w/ John Bosco, please don't call him Bosco or I'll think of that Jon Cusiak film "One Crazy Summer" (Bosco was the dog w/ the cone on it's head).
Okay, well . . . I love Vincent. 😉 But, George is pretty awesome. For the reasons here (esp. yours . . . and I have to say, the pic w/ the cig and glasses would be brilliant).
Look at him all standing up like a big boy! Ben is jealous. He wants to stand up on his own too.
I have black glasses and a big nose you can borrow for the George Burns pic. LOL!
I'm so excited to see him standing. My little one is soooo close. She stands for about a minute, then sits down.
He is so cute. Love the curls.
I think George, in honor of your AWESOME dad, would be the best!
How fun is this! I'm partial to Vincent, I have a nephew with that name and he is a cutie pie. I guess you could also do the initial thing too, like A – whatever. So, my question is, how do you come up with bloggy names? Do you let the children pick them out? Yesterday my 8 yr old gave herself a new name, Stephanie, but we don't have a blog!