Felicity is preparing for her first confession which is one week from tomorrow.
Pray for our sweet Felicity! She is a wee bit nervous.
She has her interview with Fr. D. tomorrow night, whereupon Father will ask her no end of questions regarding the Ten Commandments, the sacrament of penance, and St. Thomas’s Summa Theologica.
As such, we’ve been hitting the books pretty hard.
She’s got the Commandments down pat, more or less, due to the endless review on the part of her (perfectionist) mother.
“What’s the Tenth Commandment again?”
“Do not covet thy neighbor’s goods.”
It’s always good to make sure they get it, I find, and so I questioned further. “Do you know what ‘goods’ are?”
Felicity didn’t skip a beat. “Good things,” she said promptly.
When asked, however, what the first sin of man was, Felicity hesitated. Clearly she needed a little help. I rounded my lips in an “o” and held my hand up to my mouth. (It’s like you’re having a “Doh!” moment, symbolizing the point at which Adam and Eve realized that they had, indeed, screwed up royally.)
“O…?” I continued, expectantly.
Felicity’s eyes flashed bright with excitement. “O-dultery!” she exclaimed.
So, yes, like I said at the start of this post.
Pray for our Felicity. ; )
I was so scared when I made my first confession. In fact, I still get scared! I guess that means my conscience is still in tact…
I know she will do beautifully.
Definitely praying!
I will be praying for Felicity. Thanks for the post yesterday that I just read today. Thanks for your honesty and sharing. I relate. Love that cute pic of 'little guy' too. Cheri
Oh, praying for her today! What a sweetie.
Well, Evelyn made her First Reconcilliaton 2 weeks ago and she was so scared she had a tummy ache before going in (it's her nature to get pretty wound up like that). After coming out, however, she smiled and asked when we could go again!
We'll miss you in May, but I guess it's understandable 🙂 Prayers being said for you're sweet little girl.
That was so funny! That reminds me of the joke I heard at a retreat. 3 9 year old boys went to confession (face to face no less!) to try to get out of altar serving duty. The first one went in and came out very sad. "Darn!, Father gave me 4 Hail Mary's and 3 Our Father's, and I am still an altar server! You guys better confess something more serious than ADULTERY!!"
Lovely! My 'Victor' is making his first confession on Saturday… I'll pray for yours if you'll pray for mine 🙂
I would love to hear how you plan to commemorate/honor the event for Felicity. My oldest is making her first confession soon, too, and I have been lamenting the lack of guests, receptions, etc. for this sacrament. In fact, the only other sacrament not commemorated with such fun is … Last Rites.
Hmmmm, what impression does that give our little ones about Confession???
Wanting To Make It Special,
We go out for ice cream afterwards, Katie. It's simple but memorable!
And how did she do?