I am taking a break today from my usually light-hearted and anecdotal fare to ask you: what do you make of this? This gentleman was in town on Wednesday and what follows is an excerpt from his speech.
I don’t wish to get all Chicken Little on you, but I will say that this is the sort of thing that I’ve been hearing about and fearing since I was a girl.
Hyperbole? Truth?
I wish I knew.
Here is a related link: Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty
I don't know what to say, Margaret. Scary. So, so scary. I have heard of this "world government" but did not know it to be imminent. My brother is my best resource for all political news. I'll get back with you after we talk.
Nothing this administration wants to do surprises me anymore. Off to do some research…
I don't believe it — at least the impact that he's predicting.
In 1928, dozens of countries, including all the major WW2 players, signed the "Kellogg-Briand" pact which was to "outlaw" war as a means of international dispute. In 1929, Russia invaded China — both had signed it. My point is that international treaties like this aren't worth much. He says that the other countries "won't let America out" if we don't fulfill our part — but what exactly would that mean? They would have a "right" to go to war with us? or ban trades with us? Would they actually do that?? And if they did, would it be because of this treaty, or because they wanted to be at war with us anyway?
In other words, I can't imagine the UK saying, "Oh, we were in a state of peace with the US, but you broke this climate control treaty, guess we'll have to invade you and punish you now!" I can imagine China doing something like that…but I can imagine China invading us for many other reasons besides Obama signing some climate control treaty.
As for American money going to 3rd world countries, while it might not be a great idea to tie to the environment, it's not exactly an idea contrary to Catholic teaching:
"The superfluous wealth of rich countries should be placed at the service of poor nations." — Populorum Progressio, Paul VI, 1967
I think it's probably a mixture of both (truth/hyperbole that is). I've had a sense for quite some time that the tide of change has begun…the pendulum will swing the other way for sure. I can only pray that it doesn't go to the extreme.
I'm very curious as to what Barbara's brother has to say!!
Ooh! He was having fun with rhetoric, wasn't he! I agree with Jessica. No international treaty is worth the paper it is written on if one or more of the signatories decides not to stick to it. History is littered with broken treaties. At most, this one means some money going to poorer countries in the short term, but essentially it is meaningless.
Perhaps I'm naive but I don't buy it either.
Gonna have to go with not wasting any time on this one….we studied Rachel Carson not too long ago and came across some reading through that organization during our research. Only because I strongly disagree with the info they post surrounding DDT and the untruth there am I able to brush any speaker brought in by them aside.
May be a simplistic way of looking at it, but truth is truth and it has to be truthful across the board for me.
I wouldn't put it past them, quite honestly. There are a lot of people out there (just do a little looking) that feel something "big" is on the horizon. I even know some who think this is the beginning of the end. I personally don't care to think much about it as a mother of young kids. But, we do need to be aware of what is out there as a potential possibility and pray, pray, pray. And be prepared. That's all we can really do.
I'm cautious about listening today– I might not listen with calm.
We just covered Animal Farm last year and I explained to my students the need to look cautiously at the plans and actions of leaders so we don't go down a wrong path. That said I am more worried about the viciousness both sides have been using to avoid being pulled in, to avoid ceding anyone elses view has validity— conservative and liberal. I've even heard both show total disrespect for Moderates as if they just don't want to choose. Intelligent dialogue requires presenting ideas in a way that invites the dialogue and listening.
Maybe I'll listen another day.
I'd say it is nonsense, except that nonsense is harmless and this guy is anything but harmless. He is a fear monger of the highest degree. And as far as credibility? This guy belongs right up there with those folks who claim we never went to the moon.
I enjoyed listening to this speech (what a gorgeous voice!) because it was fun and fascinating to see to how he used language in such a blatantly fearmongering way. As someone who does not fear that climate change is a scam (come live in NZ and then tell me it isn't happening) and does not fear a world government (as if that could ever happen) I had the luxury of appreciating the machinations of his speech. It was completely over the top actually.
Besides, I don't think ANY American administration is going to sign over even the smallest bit of its actual power to anyone else.
I sure wish I had the confidence of some of these ladies who dispute this gentleman. Perhaps they're right but I put absolutely nothing beyond this president or any member of his administration. He would sign away America if he were to rule/gain something larger. Its definitely time to "work the beads"……. Speaking of beads, I purchased The Rosary by Karen Edmisten and am loving it. Thanks for the tip.
I've just finished an AP environmental sciences class, and one of the very first things we learned was that third world countries cause the same amount of "damage" to the environment as developed nations.
So even if it were at all logical to think that we are in debt to these third world countries for releasing more CO2 into the atmosphere than they do.. technically we're even, because they use resources less efficiently.
I would agree with Nancy on this one…the important thing is to keep praying!
I'm glad you posted this, Minnesota Mom. I feel very much the way Cathy and Anonymous have mentioned, and I do not feel like it was "Chicken Little" of you to post it. I learn a lot from reading and listening to many sources on the news and internet.
I'm concerned about our country as a whole and feel that the "greenies" are pushing much too much legislation much too quickly.
My husband and I spent much of yesterday listening to his long speech and discussing some of the points.
The best thing we can do is pray….and right after that, is stock up on food and water!!
International treaties might be signed by the President, but they must be approved by the Congress. Even if that happens, somebody could take it to the Supreme Court and rule on whether it was consitutional or not – and if it overrode the Constitution, I would think it was not.
This does not mean that the President wouldn't sign it, and that Congress wouldn't ratify it, and that this administration might not try to enforce it. That's why we have elections.
I sincerely doubt that any institution could "make" the US do something they didn't want to do – including forking over huge amounts of cash. Unfortunately, they could TRY. And that, sadly enough, means war. I'm convinced that America could defend itself against all enemies, foreign and domestic, but as the wife of a soldier and as the mother of possible future soldiers, I do not want war.
Sleep well, Margaret. Pray for our country, but do not fear this Evil. God is watching out for us and I firmly believe that Americans will only tolerate so much before we put an end to the insanity.
Michelle, I was hoping you'd comment. I'm always interested in your point of view.
Things like this scare me. I'm not informed as much as I should be and so it's hard for me to make a judgement call on what's hokey and what's not. But, like many of the other commentors, I don't trust Obama either. Peace Prize winner or not.
This guy's science is spot on. I agree with Michelle, no one can "make" the U.S. do something…but they don't NEED to make us, the president is giving away everything for free.
You were not chicken little to post this.
Yes, we do need to pray…and also speak up when we see things we know aren't right.
I posted this video clip on my Facebook page earlier this week. It had the stink of dangerous hyperbole about it to me. So, I invited the liberal friends I chummed with in high school to explain why this wasn't true. My friend Mike sent me this link:
While the link disputes the claims of this gentleman, it does admit that we cannot know the final outcome of the meeting until it has happened, since the folks have not actually gotten together to produce any final documents.
Always interesting to consider the other angle. On the dark side, I'm sure there is plenty going on in this administration to cause us worry that we won't hear about until it's too late.
We have some fabulous local priests – Franciscan Friars of Mary Immaculate – Fr. Elias Mary keeps exhorting us that above and beyond anything else we do – we must pray the Rosary. The devil does not fear postcard campaigns or petitions, etc., but he does fear the Rosary. Let us take up arms against all this evil seen and unseen and have complete confidence in Our Lady. Even if the world as we know it falls down around us, the graces from Our Lord through Our Lady will sustain us – with joy!
(P.S. I talk big and brave, but the truth is I have to keep repeating these things to myself so I don't have an absolute breakdown!)