The comments made in the post below made me cry. Why? Because these women are friends of the heart who both cared (and dared) to challenge me.
The truth is, I hadn’t researched the effects of Phase I on a pregnancy before deciding to attempt it, and I haven’t talked to my doctor to see if she approves.
The ugly truth is, I was hoping to lose some weight in the process because I have gained a lot so far and I still have 20 weeks to go.
The overwhelming truth is that I have a serious food addiction–not just to sugar but to overeating in general and I don’t know how better to stop this behavior than to drastically reduce my choices.
The reason I thought that I’d start with Phase I is that it’s supposed to eliminate those powerful cravings. I assumed that if I continued to take my supplements (I alternate between taking a prenatal vitamin and drinking Reliv shakes) that the two weeks sans fruit & high-glycemic vegies wouldn’t hurt me or the baby.
Now I’m confused and need to pray all the harder. I have been praying for the virtue of temperance but–as with so many of our deepest needs, it seems–God wants me to do some of the hardest work myself.
In Him and through Him and as always, in need of your help,
Have you read the book ‘Thin Within’ by Judy and Arthur Halliday? It is a ‘non diet’ approach to weight loss…where we turn to God instead of food when we are facing those ‘heart cravings’. The basis is that you listen to your own body…eat when hungry and stop when satisfied. So if your body while pregnant is requesting more food…that is perfectly ok. But pregnancy is not an excuse for gluttony either.
I don’t know what to say! As someone who also has a food addiction, I know that sometimes it seems better to do “something” rather than “nothing”. But, I think I might agree that the SBD could very well be a little harsh. I read somewhere that just cutting back on anything white (bread, sugar, rice, potatoes and flour) can do wonders. Stick with the fresh fruits and veges and lean protein for you and that new life inside of you! Save the SBD for when you’re weaning!
….I mean ya know…since I’m a doctor and all(not!)!!!
You are a beautiful woman, doing the most important job anyone can ever do! I will ask the Blessed Mother to hold you extra close these next months!
No more guilt. Just ask the doc and taker her advice.
Switching to whole grains may help those cravings. I think (especially at the holidays) we eat and eat and nothing really satisfies us because it’s just not that nutritious.
Margaret, The South Beach Diet is quite safe while you are pregnant. You just need to start on Phase II where they add the whole grains and add one or more extra glasses of milk. I had a 9 pound 14 ounce baby on while on the South Beach diet. A very healthy little guy and I was 30 pounds lighter than with the previous baby (I put on too much weight with the first).
If you research it further, you will find childbirth classes like the Bradley Class advocate a high protein diet with lots of veggies and whole grains, little to no bad carbs or sugar just like the South Beach diet. Dr. Agatson suggests how to fine tune the diet for pregnancy too
Also see for the Brewer diet. (Very similar to phase II South Beach diet) Many people don’t understand the SBD if they have never tried it and think it is like the Atkins diet or some such thing. God bless you. I may join you on this one. I am a sugar junkie presently. No fun while pregnant.
My husband started the SBD when I was pregnant with our 3rd child. As you know, it always helps if someone modifies their diet with you, so I joined in, but modified it a bit. I think I did allow myself whole grain bread, but certainly not as much as I would normally eat. I didn’t count the number of nuts I ate and I had milk. I think you can use the principles of the diet during pregnancy and cut back on the white sugar and other carbs. The diet has certainly had an effect on our eating habits and I think they are for the better. By the way my third child was my smallest, but he is certainly healthy.
I will keep you in my prayers!
I KNOW I have an addiction to sugar! I did Phase 1(and only got through one week!) but i had more energy and less headaches with sugar out of my system. I DO believe i could kick my sugar obsession with a low sugar diet (and probably strict removal of sugar at first) i could conquer it!
still, i think you need to take care of that sweet babe and be good to you!
praying for you!
Hey, sweetie, have you been reading Jen’s series on diet change at Conversion Diary? It’s pretty potent stuff, I must say. Here’s her latest…
I think a focus on healthy eating rather than weight loss is your best bet right now. What Jen’s been writing about how sugar crashes affect mood which affects everything else–I think she’s right on the money. She writes, too, of how her emphasis has shifted from ‘wanting to lose weight’ to seeking virtue and her awareness that diet is tied to behavior.
She has inspired me to make some changes in my own eating habits, because while weight gain is not a problem I struggle with, energy crashes and low energy in general very much are. I am somewhat enslaved by my sweet tooth. This year I hope to break free of those shackles.
So yes, like some of your other commenters have said: focus on plenty of protein, veggies, and whole grains, and try to ditch “white carbs” and sugar. Don’t count pounds at this point, love!
Margaret, I couldn’t stop thinking about you last night, because I have to admit when I read your post yesterday, I was shocked. Gaining weight in pregnancy is normal, but it’s very, very difficult when the weight is a lot. And when I say a lot, I mean to the point where you say, “How big can I really get?” Several things I need to lecture you on here, because I’ve been EXACTLY where you are when I got pregnant with my third child. I was already 15 pds overweight, but that was baby weight from the last baby because he was only 5.5 months old. I got pregnant, the proceeded to gain 70 pds on top of the 15 I already needed to lose. On my small 5’1 frame, I was over 200 AFTER delivery. I stayed that way until seeing an endocronologist. Even though my thyroid disease was being “managed”, it wasn’t until I saw a specialist that we were able to get everything under control. Remember, with an underactive thyroid, you will gain more weight than normal. Trust me, I’ve lived with this disease for almost ten years now, and had three babies during it. I strongly recommended you see an endocronologist, because the weight might even be harder to get off after the baby. And as far as the food addiction goes, you know the answer to that one….South Beach isn’t going to give you the answers you’re looking for. It’s an addiction, which means it’s an inordinate desire/attachment, and the only One who can heal that is Him. The reason for the addiction lies deep within, and He is the only one who can touch that part of You and free you from the bonds of addiction. I love you, Margaret. Very much!
I’ve seen several lovely ladies here who had done SBD while pregnant, and it might be okay, but I think for someone who had emotional ties and psychological issues with food, any kind of plan at this point is only a band aid. It’s like taking up running when you’re trying to not drink anymore. Running is good for you, and being fit might be a good motivator to not drink, but eventually, with a strong addiction, temptation will be there. That’s when you’ll need the grace to overcome it. I meant to write that you might be interested in listening to some of Fr. Emmerich Vogt’s talks… I recommended them on one of Jamie’s posts. He talks about addiction and the spiritual life, and applies the 12 step teachings to the teachings of the Church.
Coming in late to say, yup, ixnay on the Phase I. Grow that baby, Margaret. And for pete’s sake, don’t try to LOSE weight at this point. You might be better off with a slower weight gain, I don’t know, but I can’t imagine you should be trying to watch the scales go down.
I think you could comfortably do phase II of SBD, as some have suggested. If you’re looking for something drastic, try eliminating sugar and white stuff. I don’t think any doc in the world would say no to that; frankly, it’s difficult enough to make THAT change; and since you’re visibly pregnant no nice person will try to force you to eat cookies if you say you’re not supposed to.
And I hope you were putting some olive oil or coconut oil or butter or something on those sprouts. Pregnant bodies need fat, including saturated fat.
By the way, this is for every reader here who hasn’t seen Margaret in real life recently:
Don’t let her fool you. She looks great.
I’m joining the chorus here. I was worried about you last night too! I too have food issues and weight to deal with — but I’m NOT pregnant. I’ve done South Beach before and had some success. We’ve made some permanent changes around here (almost exclusively wheat or whole grain breads and brown rice).
I agree with others — you can certainly commit to eating more healthy while pregnant. No one NEEDS cookies or sugar or white flour.
So try to focus on eating healthy — what you and the precious baby need. If what you are eating is good for you (lean proteins, lots of veggies and fruit, whole grains), it’s best for both of you. And as long as it’s good stuff, you may need to eat more, and still not have the weight come too quickly.
You can worry about losing pounds after you wean. Remember — breastfeeding needs MORE calories than pregnancy!
God bless. I hope you hear all the love in all of these comments. We just worry about you!
Darlin’, I did not mean to make you cry! I agree that right now you should concentrate on healthy eating. Worry about the weight loss in a few months!
I agree with Jen. I think you should see 1. your dietician and 2. your doctor and then leave it all in God’s hands.
I am hoping to have the blessing of another baby, but worry and know I will gain at least 60 lbs on this already overweight body. (I have type 1 diabetes) I worry constantly about it, but am going to do what I told you to do, dietician, doctor, God. (not that God is not first, but it is in His hands that I will leave the dietician’s/doctor’s advice)
I also think just deleting the sugar, the white foods and switching to whole grains it will curve those cravings. Just don’t have any sugar in your house. Hey, don’t they have a Great Harvest Bread store near you? They have great whole grain breads that are great for toasting!
I love you Margaret and will be thinking and praying for you!
Start in Phase II or just cut out white foods (white rice, white sugar, white flour, white potatoes)
Allow yourself a couple portions of whole grains a day, some whole fruit (no juice) and those higher GI veggies like carrots-skip corn (in all its incarnations)
My saving grace when I am trying to reduce the refined carbs? Sugar-free chocolate pudding. It isn’t *south beach approved* it has artificial sweeteners yadda yadda yadda. It seriously helps the chocolate cravings though. One little cup every night was my treat.
I’m giving you a huge cyber hug and keeping you in my prayers. I cannot add anything to the words others have written. I side more with Jen’s comments – go to God. Love and blessings,
Margaret, I am praying for you too, and I love you!
I was so glad to read this update, because you first post worried me, but we don’t really know one another (though I’ve enjoyed your blog for ages), and I didn’t want to stick my oar in, so to speak. This might get long and I apologize in advance! I just wanted to share a bit of my story.
You’ve already gotten lots of good advice. I second the recommendation for lean protein, whole grains, lots of veggies, seasonal fruits.
I gain weight very easily when pregnant, and when I lose a baby (eight, so far), I don’t lose the weight. Not without a huge amount of effort, anyway. And oh my I do love me some sugar! Chocolate, to be precise. For breakfast, lunch and dinner.
For me, it is all tied together: Love the baby(weight), let it go (if baby has died). Love the baby(weight), let it grow (if I am still pregnant). Either way, it is my body — my body which, by the Grace of God, is carrying the child. My body with is nurturing it, preparing to breastfeed it.
I need to be as healthy as possible for that to happen. And sometimes, God has other plans for my baby, no matter what I do. But I’m not doing myself any favors by working against Him (i.e. by not eating well, exercising, taking care of myself when I fall sick etc etc).
What worked for me (and it took me years to come to a place of peace over the issues of food and weight: I am not a perfect person by any means) was to get rid of the scale. That’s Rule #2, actually. *smile* Rule #1 is to pray!
Enlist your family’s help: start up a unit study (tailored to your family’s needs, of course *smile*) on health, nutrition, pregnancy. Be honest with them. My three (ages 19, 9, 6) all understand that mama can’t have sugar in the house. Treats and sweets are present at birthdays and Christmas and that’s it. Making healthy eating a whole family endeavor made a big difference for me.
Above all, be easy on yourself: take it one day, one snack, one meal at a time.
You and your baby are in my daily prayers, Margaret. I hope you don’t mind this ridiculously long comment. Take care {{hugs}}
Looks like you’ve already gotten a lot of great advice, so all I will say is that I’m praying for you and baby!
Wow…look at all the love pouring in. What a lucky gal you are. Jamie only loves me…oh and JOT!
I imagine you are beautiful. Do not be so hard on yourself so you can enjoy the JOY that comes from being preggers. FOCUS on the joy! Really are all us “women” that shallow when we look at others we see the “size” and not the heart?
I don't comment often, but I just wanted you to know that you're in my prayers and that I completely understand how you feel. I love food too!!
What about the Bradley Diet?? Its for pregnant moms and consists of a high protein diet. Or the diet plan set out by Marilyn Shannon in Fertility, Cycles & Nutrition (sold by CCL).
I would think eating heathy is good for you and baby but losing weight isn't. Maybe you're one of those that gains early on (as I do) because you're trying to keep from feeling nauseaus. And maybe from here on out you can just watch your diet and gain less. That's very different from losing weight.
Look into either of those two diets (they're very similar) and drink lots of water. And know that your body is beautiful because it is with child. After baby is born you can worry about losing weight.
Praying for you and your precious child!!
Hi there–I love your blog! I just wanted to add my two cents–the part of your post where you talk about a food addiction really rang a bell with me. Have you ever looked at Lightweigh? It’s a WONDERFUL Catholic weight loss/spiritual growth program that I have gone through more than once. The website is . It goes through the lives of saints and WHY we turn to food and how to lean on the Lord instead. I could go on and on (you can e-mail me if you have any more specific questions). It just seems like a good fit for you from what I know about you from your blog. The program is such a wonderful, life-changing alternative to dieting! Well, that’s all my preggo brain can get out for now–I hope it helps and I’ll be praying for you and your baby in all of your struggles. God Bless!
Hello dear Margaret,
I just wanted to follow the love these other ladies have expressed for you. I personally don’t have issues with addictions, but I love someone who does. So, from the outside I see his struggles and feel them too.
I’d like to offer you a strong, heartfelt hug, and a prayer (or two). May our Dear Lady hold you dear to her heart.
I will pray for you, to find His will in this struggle with food and any self image you may have. YOU are a creation of GOD and He makes NO mistakes.
God bless you for also putting yourself out there for people like me (a stranger) to view. You are braver than you may know.
Hello Margaret,
I found your blog because I drink Reliv shakes every day, have for almost 3 years now. When I saw that you have food addictions I thought I’d better share a little bit. I was bulimic for 38 years. Not always acting on it, but every day was an intense preoccupying battle. I’d liken it to a ball and chain around the neck, or to what an alcoholic would go through left in the liquor store with every bottle uncapped. About 6 months into taking Reliv for menopause issues, I found myself without any cravings. Shocked, and doubtful, I didn’t peep a word for a year, just watched to see if they’d come back. They haven’t, and since then I have found out more of why Reliv nutrition helped me get my life back from a serious addiction. I have not used any other supplements with Reliv because I understand that it is complete total nutrition and I don’t mess with the perfectly balanced formula. If you ever want to know more about what actually happened with the addiction I’d be glad to share, but for now just know that with Reliv you’re on an excellent path and your body can use that to come into balance. My heart and prayers are with you too. I lived under tremendous emotional pain over my weight and cravings all those years. God made you perfectly to His plan, and sometimes things get out of balance, but again, and not to overstress one thing, Reliv nutrition is worth every story you’ve heard. Give it time and it will be very very helpful in your battle…let alone excellent for your baby! It’s been 2 years now and I live a life just like normal people. I like certain foods more, but the binging doesn’t even enter my mind. I had believed I was a bad person, with no self control, and a bad Christian all those years. There can be freedom from that. I don’t know if Reliv will do the same things in you that it has in me, as it is just excellent nutrition that will do different things in each person as it addresses their issues,and it’s not a cure.
You’re right on target with your initial instincts here, Margaret. First off ~ that temperance is good, body, soul, etc ~ that healthy and balanced is best (SBD or what-have-you) ~ and that prayer is the best resource for guidance. My .02: Taking best care of the little Blessing beneath your heart will take the best care of you, too. Sending up a prayer for ya! (As one who’s been there) None of it’s easy, but it’s all worth it!
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
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Several dear friends from Cursillo belong to Overeaters Anonymous. They shared some beautiful stories of God healing them and helping them work through their addiction. I would seriously suggest those places for help.
Hi, Margaret. I just wanted to say that I have been where you are with the food cravings and all. Don’t be too hard on yourself. I am hypothyroid, and cravings for sweets and carbs is one of the symptoms. Once you get your thyroid normalized the cravings will most likely subside a little. Also, it wasn’t until I discovered that I had depression on top of my thyroid disease, and got that treated, that the cravings went completely away. So what I’m saying is that there can also be physical causes for cravings and overeating. Just pray for wisdom! God bless you, Gina
For what it’s worth…
What I did (with the blessing of my doctor, who specializes in treating women w/ blood sugar issues during pregnancy and is well aware of the addictive effects that processed foods can have on some of us) is to only cut out foods with processed white sugar or flour. Basically, I started eating as if I lived on a farm and ate from the land — lots of fresh fruits, veggies, meats, etc. (think: beef stew with whole grain brown rice instead of lasagna for dinner).
I have to say, it has helped tremendously with my cravings, I have a lot more energy, feel so much better on a daily basis, and my weight gain has been perfect. I am SO glad I did it.
I’m running out the door but will try to remember to email you later about this. Needless to say I have a LOT of thoughts! 🙂
God bless.
The South Beach Diet Plan is a great program. I love it very much.