Hello? Is this thing on? Is there anybody OUT there?
I am in a weird and cheeky mood this morning, having been up since 2:00 a.m. planning our fall curriculum and watching this movie. I am giddy and over-caffeinated.
Let’s talk.
My biggest new idea is to switch Cate from Seton over to Catholic Heritage Curricula, just to keep things fresh & lively. I spent a lot of time at CHC’s table during the conference and I was drawn to their 3rd grade program, especially their Behold & See science and their “Tour the Countries.” Any opinions? It seems like a very sweet program and I’m thinking that Cate, being a sweet girl, would enjoy it.
It’s a big move, a big switch, and I’m nervous. We’ve used Seton since day one.
Across the Universe, on the other hand, was not that big a decision. I had it on hand and so I watched it while I planned. It is a trippy, historical look at the late 60’s–and a bit like the Pink Floyd movie The Wall in that I felt that I should be drinking something much stronger than coffee as I watched it. (Not a very sweet movie, shall we say. Not for my daughter Cate.) There’s a fair share of free love and a whole lot of psychedelic stuff going on—it is, after all, a movie about the 60’s—but the music is quite good. Are you a big Beatles fan? If so, it may be worth your renting it.
Otherwise, I don’t know that I’d recommend it.
Hey, look! Here comes the sun! Time to greet the day and pretend that I’m awake for it.
Which I’m not.
Whose fault is that?
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
We too are considering switching from Kolbe to CHC this fall. It seems to be more user friendly for the kids and the mom.
Oooh, I did want to see that movie and forgot about it. It sounds like you are pleased with your decision. I think you will enjoy it next year. And we can compare science notes next year!
I have used CHC for my children and have really loved it. Like you said, it is sweet. It is not overyly “workbook-y” – and I like that too. I never used it, exclusively, though. I have used parts of CHC mixed with a variety of other things. – I think you, and Cate will love it! Good luck! — And by the way, will you be able to find time for a nap today? – I hope so!
First of all, I’ve been up half the night with my 2 year old who has made me VERY grumpy lately. You sound much nicer than me in your sleepless ways.
In ways of school- we are switching from Seton to Mother of Divne Grace and I am very revved after listening to Laura Behrquist speak at our conference.
Good luck, hope you get a nap!
I have nothing educated to say about CHC as I’m beginning my homeschool adventure in the fall, but I LOVE how beautiful their materials are.
But I probably didn’t need to tell you that, did I? 🙂
Like Kristen, I don’t have anything particularly educated to say about CHC, but does it count that I have a 20 lb box from them on a UPS truck headed toward my house today? LOL
After looking through different programs, I just thought that CHC looked like what would appeal to my kids. Particularly since it will be their first year at home, I want them to enjoy it. It will be a big adjustment after having been in public school for a few years already.
My oldest is going to be in third grade, so if there are any books you are curious about something in, just drop me an email, since I’ll have the books by sometime today. Oh…except there were a couple of things that I just went with second grade, and then plan to teach the boys together (since the next little guy is in 2nd grade) — like social studies, I believe. I think I picked up the science materials for both grades. All I know is — I spent a decent amount of money. 😉 (I bought their math books through the Horizon Program on Alpha Omega Press though.)
Okay, for a very unhelpful comment, I certainly wrote enough, didn’t I? *blush* Sorry!
We’ve used several books from CHC — including BEHOLD AND SEE — and we’ve enjoyed every one of them.
B&S is, hands down, one of the most beautiful science books I’ve ever seen. I will be using it again this year for my younger group of children (K-3) because there is something in there for everyone.
Don’t I sound like a commercial?
We also use their LANGUAGE OF GOD books… Latin readers… and we just bought the Reading comprehension book based on stories of the saints.
HI Margaret!
First of all, I really enjoyed our trip to the MN Conference (though I wasn’t too keen on the pic w/me in it that you chose 🙂 I wish there was more time to get to know you. You are a sweetheart! This will have to be an annual event!
That said, how’s the case presentation? 😉 I am still praying for you. How ironic – I spent late hours going over CHC’s 3rd grade lesson plans last night as well. I was up, as my good friend had her 5th baby yesterday and I had all of her 4 little ones here along with my 3. Makes you see what life with 7 little ones ages 1-8 would be like! (busy, but full of love!)
I think you (and I) will love this break from Seton this year. This is my first year using all CHC, instead of almost all Seton. I think we’re all going to enjoy it.
I know Jamie will be using it as well, so we will enjoy sharing our “Tales from the 3rd Grade” together!
Hope you are getting some sleep and take care. My thoughts are prayers are with you!
Love in +JMJ+
Sarah Grant
a.k.a. the one hogging all the bathroom time in the dorms. 🙂
Way back (12 years) I was very put off by Seton. There newsletter really discouraged our connections with non Catholic Homeschoolers and there were few Catholic homeschoolers. It created 2 problems: Some Catholic Homeschoolers in our area did Seton and NOTHING else, rarely even joined the First Friday gathering.
Second: I am convinced that Homeschooling is how wee will reach out to fallen away Catholics! About 75 % of Homeschoolers now are Evangelical/protestant and 75% of them are (or were raised by) ex-Catholics.
From what I see Seton is more balanced now. So I’m actually looking to use more of their books. I will say I dislike CHC’s Preschool program. Non enough repetition, hard to find the stories recommended, and the phonics program is not as good as even Hooked On Phonics.
Only tried Kolbe 1 year=– actually bought the whole program. But it was a year they allowed too much growth and they couldn’t support all the new students well.
I have used CHC and think that it works great for grades 1-3, maybe 4. But after that I didn’t think it was challenging enough. I adored their second grade sacrament preperation! It was awesome! I still use their saint reading comp books and some others for my older kids and they really enjoy them. I just think once you get to the fifth grade and they lump it all together it falls short and you need something more. I also did not like their Pre-K and Kindergarten programs. My son was very bored… but he has lots of older siblings “doing school” and he gets frustrated if he isn’t doing more!
Also, CHC is great for new homeschoolers, in my opinon. I have used Kolbe, Seton, and more and I wish I had started with CHC when I first started homeschooling. It is a great smooth program without a lot of pressure.
You’ll have to let us know what you think. I have now covered all grades with Seton and while I have my favorites, and not-so-favorites, I don’t know that I’d switch. But I’d love to hear what you have to say!
PS How can you pull all-nighters, girl?
I’ve used CHC all along. We have ALL the materials from K through 4, except for Behold and See. I will be in your area on Friday if you want to take another look at anything before buying.
I ran acroos your blog and wanted to share my views on CHC. I know of 6 families, including ours, that will be using CHC this year. Us moms got together and looked over everything we have been doing in the last 10 years of homeschooling (grades preschool to 10th grade…so far) and ended up choosing CHC. Some of us are leaving programs used for years.
From your post I think you will just love their curriculum. We found the flexibility, language of God series, reading w/ the saints series just amazing. You can be as structured as you need to be and really teach to the individual child’s needs w/o too much stress.
I am using a different spelling program and doing other stuff for writing w/ my 6th grader.
For the older kids middle school and up, CHC’s The Virtue Tree, Church History, & Theology of the Body are worth looking into.
I hope all the comments help you out….
Your posted words emit excitement and anticipation, even if it’s at 2a – I’m glad to see/hear it. Some of my best planning is done in the early morning hours. I just choose to sleep until about 2a & then I get up!! I’ll keep praying, as well . . .
Behold & See is a beautiful book. My 7yo dd enjoyed reading and looking at the pictures. I’ve used a mix of material from many different publishers/providers over our years – guess I can’t lock myself into one program! That’s the best part about homeschooling, IMHO.
Don’t forget about Homeschool Tracker – there’s a free version – if you want to keep a more detailed report/transcript.
I totally agree with anonymous, the one before Suzie. I love CHC, just found Seton a little dry, for my colorful, visual learning teaching style. Seton is good though, I mixed it in with CHC, but am going to try to only do CHC this year, well…maybe I will mix it with a little extra art and history from somewhere….
So glad you decided, and am even happier that you are happy!!! I could totally tell in your voice that you feel very confident in this decision. How wonderful to see your children’s needs and different learning styles.
Love you!
I love the Beatles, but not sure I’d like the movie…
I tend to *stay* up until 2 a.m., rather than *get* up at 2 a.m. — I’m not sure if that makes us the same or complete opposites. 🙂
I think you and Cate will enjoy CHC very much. It is sweet and friendly, and if there are areas you don’t feel are challenging enough, you can always crank up the volume with your own additions.
Get some sleep! 🙂
I missed the microphone tap! But Good Morning, dearest!
Off to start my day! A crazy one!
This was our first year homeschooling and we used all of CHC materials. I love how the lesson plans are organized and I love the flexibility. It sounds silly, but I love their catalog because I love reading all the comments sent in by parents using their materials. I loved the Tour of Countries course…my daughter enjoyed learning about the different countries and as an ending activity we made a meal from the country we were studying. It is really fun to go back through all the completed travel brochures and the passport she made all throughout the year. I love CHC and I love their website…they have wonderful support and just lovely people on staff. We have all of next years materials for 4th grade and 1st grade.