I saw this father and his son in the Boston Marathon, which ran right past our house when we lived in Natick, Mass. That was in ’98, so clearly these two are still going strong.
Scratch that. They have gotten even stronger.
Philippians 4:13, indeed.
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
*Updated to add: For those of you who aren’t familiar with the Ironman Triathlon, here is a description. To learn more about this father and his son, visit their website.
They get me weeping every time I see them!!! What a beautiful love they exude!
What a beautiful video. Thank you so much for sharing it!
God Bless,
Ok, I’m a crying mess! I’ve seen them on something…such an amazing love of a father and his son and true testement (is that a word?) of how valuable every human life is no matter what.
What a beautiful video and witness! Thank you!
I have often seen My Redeemer in the Holy Eucharist. I just saw Him in the eyes, heart, and soul of both of those men.
He is a very very lucky boy. Not all of us have father’s that strong. He is very very blessed.
My husband watched a simplier video to this at CHIRP (Christ Renews His Parish.) The first thing he did when he came home from the retreat was a utube search for the video so I could watch it. I wept and my husband said, “that’s how God loves us.”
Team Hoyt.
Such love. I’m so in awe everytime I see them.
How Powerful is THAT! Had me weeping, smiling, choked up & reminded me of all that is truly important in life. “Faith”, Love, Family and knowing that in Jesus, all is possible…. Donna