Let’s talk a bit about the little trooper that’s my Felicity.
Felicity is pictured above in my new blog header. She is as easy-going and gentle-natured as my Angela, say, is not. When I took her in for her 5-year immunizations yesterday, she took it in stride and didn’t say much about it.
She cried, because the shots hurt like the dickens, but she didn’t say much about it…
…until the doctor handed her a goody bag for her bravery.
And then she did speak up. In a little, quivery, tear-filled voice she murmured,
“Thank you.”
What a difference in temperament is my Angela, who screamed “I don’t want a shot! You said I wasn’t going to get a shot!”
Which is true. I didn’t know they were going to offer us the flu vaccine until we got there.
And which is so…Angela to feel so strongly about receiving it.
The other three had mixed reactions upon getting poked by the phlebotomist.
Joe kept reading;
Jem kept an eye on the procedure;
And playful Cate hid under a chair. : )
Gotta love those flu shots!
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
Interesting how different each of the kids can be.
Margaret, I know just what you mean. At my boys’ last appointments, all three had to have shots. The oldest completely freaked out beforehand—I mean, full-blown panic attack with crying and screaming and wanting to run and hide. And then when it was over, he was like, “Oh. That was it? That wasn’t so bad after all.”
The middle kid laid stoically through the whole procedure, only flinching and tearing up a little at the first shot.
And the baby (2 years old) had no idea what was going on but cried from the pain for about 60 seconds and then was fine.
I wonder how this reflects what kind of people our children will turn out to be when they grow up?
Hugs to all those little sweeties, and to you! I love the new picture!