Happy Feast, dear Saint!
Andrew is the patron of one of my very favorite countries, that bonny land known as Scotland.
Here is a powerful novena that begins today and ends on Christmas.
It is piously believed that whoever recites the following prayer fifteen times a day from the feast of St. Andrew (30th November) until Christmas will obtain what is asked.
Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in piercing cold. In that hour, vouchsafe, O my God! to hear my prayer and grant my desires, through the merits of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, and of His Blessed Mother. Amen.
+MICHAEL AUGUSTINE, Archbishop of New York
New York, February 6, 1897
For more information on St. Andrew, go directly to CatholicCulture.org or New Advent.
Also, our favorite Scottish lass, Melissa Wiley, has some good links on related activities.
Updated to add: We will be praying this novena for a very special intention. Having started it this morning, I’ve just got to say: 15 times a day is a lot! Is there anyone else out there who plans on praying this novena, too? If so, this prone-to-distraction wife & momma would love to know your schedule for fitting in these 15 prayers! Every hour on the hour? Once a day as in all-at-once? (That seems a bit intense.) By all means, do advise.
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
I’d do it all at once, because I’d forget otherwise. 🙂
I will do it with you!! Thanks for challenging us!! I am planning on doing it all at once too, otherwise I will forget until right before bed!
The first year we did it we spread it out through the day. It was frustrating when we would go to bed and find out that we still had several to say. Now we just say them at the end of the rosary. Using the rosary beads to count is very helpful.
I am putting it as the first item in my sidebar. I expect I might see it at least 15 times a day that way. Ahem. Thank you for the reminder to begin today!
Hi Margaret, I have been praying this for years; it’s referred to as the “Hail and blesseds” among my sisters and I. I just do it all at once and some days I use the rosary to count out the prayers (that helps when you are a few days behind). Good luck and God bless.
I’m doing it too, if I can just figure out what to pray for!
Thanks for the reminder. I learned this prayer from an order of teaching Sisters and love it…this is the first time I’ve heard that you have to say it 15x a day, though!
I’m going to put it in my sidebar as well, and I’d say it all at once. I, too, would forget to say them all if I spread it out.
We’ll say it all at once, after evening family prayer. It only takes about ten minutes. I too would forget if I spread it out throughout the day.
I’d love to try this one…but I have to sheepishly admit that I’ve never done a novena before, so I think this one might be too much as a first attempt. I think I’m going to go for the Novena for the Immaculate Conception which also starts today.
So I’ll be praying with you all, but on another one 😉
I have a special fondness for this particular novena…after much difficulty with miscarriages..etc…our son Samuel (meaning “asked of God”) was conceived (I truly believe) with this novena. Praise God! Thanks for the reminder…
Margaret, I am thrilled to join you in this novena, also for a very special intention! I think we’ll try the once-a-day endeavor OR 5 at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Blessings! 🙂
Not being quite as ambitious as all of you, I hope to rememeber to say 3-4 a day and be satisfied with that–hoping God will, too!:-)
(It’s one of my favorite prayers.)
When I did this last year I had a walking paper route–at least an hour a day of mental free time, basically, so I just prayed as I walked. Now I guess I’ll do it as I’m going between classes–I was just lamenting today how I waste at least an hour a day just walking to and fro.
I pray it in the shower at night…
I take very long showers.
I have just gotten back online after being away all day (Minnesota weather report: it’s still c-c-c-cold!) and I am thrilled that so many of you will be joining me in praying this novena.
The suggestion to use the rosary beads as a counter is an excellent one–one that would have probably escaped me because, well, the obvious things usually do–and I also liked the idea of doing 5 at breakfast, lunch and dinner.
And Jane, I am certain that God is not a bureaucrat and will be pleased with whatever we’re able to offer Him. 🙂
Dear Margaret,
I’ve been a shameless lurker for almost a year but this must be shared with you. My 10 year old was reading over my shoulder a few minutes ago as I showed him how you capitalized “Him”, referring to Jesus, in this post but he wasn’t paying attention and instead read about this prayer. He asked if he could “do it and ask for Rees to not have CF anymore” ( his brother and our eldest has cystic fibrosis ) . . . oh my. We are converts ( 3 glorious years in the Church ) ; my husband was a Pentecostal pastor and we have BEEN THROUGH the whole health, wealth, prosperity “theology”. I told him that God might say no and he solemnly nodded but his eyes were shining with hope and I’m petrified. Maybe MY intention should be for him, no ? ! Really thought you might like to hear this story . . . Warmly, Allison
I’m in. All at once, late at night, as is my way with most prayers.
Thanks for posting this and encouraging us to do it. Hey, if we could faithfully complete the 33-day prep for Total Consecration, this should be a piece-o-cake, right? Now, please help me to remember…
PS. For Allison…your son’s faith is truly inspiring and amazing, though it does place you in a confusing position. I’m not sure what to say except to trust the Lord to care for the heart of your son and not discourage his gift of faith. Who but God knows what kind of miracles may take place…for all of us. I’ll be praying for your family.
And welcome to the Family!
I can’t promise to pray this particular prayer, but I WILL pray for your special intention! Is that okay?
…Ooops, AND I’ll be praying for Allison’s sons, if she doesn’t mind!
We started this novena yesterday. The plan is to say it 5 times in the morning, 5 times at noon and then 5 times in the evening. It is not so overwhelming this way and I like having specific times to meditate on this beautiful event.
I’ve never prayed a novena before, but I am praying this one with you! Saying it all at once isn’t too time consuming at all, just a few minutes, easily done while sitting down to nurse the baby anyway. 🙂 God bless you, Margaret!
Jumping back into the conversation, a little belatedly (in my opinion) because I have not had internet access since I posted my last comment.
Gotta love those Minnesota ice storms!
Allison, thank you for sharing that story. Wow! I am with Diane in thinking that it is not the “Yes” that we are seeking when we pray a novena (necessarily) but rather, the gift of FAITH.
I will pray for you & your family regardless. Welcome!
Finally, some of you have inquired as to my family’s special intention. Patience! Good things come to those who wait, especially this time of year. 😉
Ack! I forgot on Day 2!
I’m hoping they didn’t notice.
They may have noticed, Diane, but they do not care. Keep going!
I posted on my blog how I decided to do it – using little prayer cards all over. I like visuals.
Thanks to your blog, I was reminded to start this novena last week. My father used to lead us in this prayer each Advent so it’s nostalgic for me. My husband and I have been saying it together at night, in bed, just before we turn out the lights. The kids are (usually) quiet at that point and we can both concentrate on the prayers better. Oh…and we use rosary beads to count too. I’m keeping your special intention in mind while we pray.