I was honored to be tagged for the homemaking meme by the author of one of my favorite blogs, The Gift that’s Kristen. (Okay, so that’s my name for it.)
When it comes to homemaking, I am a total work-in-progress. I love having my home all neat and tidy, but with five little people running around it doesn’t often happen. Sometimes I start to overly fret about all of the nicks in the wall and the scratches on hard wood floor, yet my husband assures me that “this is a home, not a museum.”
Fortunately for me! Currently there are some smudgy little handprints on the wall leading out of the kitchen, a dining room table so stacked with books and other clutter that we are schooling in the kitchen, and an old “down-by-the-sea-themed” wallpaper border in the kids’ bathroom that has been thoroughly ripped and picked at by little fingers over the years.
We mothers have our work cut out for us, that’s for sure.
Anyway. On to the meme.
Aprons – Y/N
According to my husband, “I cook big.” So yes, I wear an apron that coincidentally was a gift from my husband’s sisters one Christmas. It’s cutely patterned with purple eggplants and green thyme leaves and I love it lots. Still, wouldn’t it be fun to have a bunch of aprons to choose from? You know, one for every mood, like your coffee cups?
Baking – Favorite thing to bake:
Did you say bake or eat? I think my favorite things to bake are breakfast treats: cinnamon rolls, sweet breads, muffins. I love baking with the kids but I also love the meditative aspect of baking by oneself in the early morning hours.
Clothesline – Y/N?
I dream of having a big old house in the country with a wrap-around porch out front and a clothesline out back. Our current home, however, is as suburban a dwelling as you can get. So no, I don’t have a clothesline. I do have a couple of drying racks in the basement, though.
Donuts – Have you ever made them?
No. We go to a great little mom-and-pop shop just down the road where the donuts are delicious and where the kids can watch them baking through a window.
Every day – One homemaking thing you do every day:
Only one? We pick up the main living areas at least twice a day. We make our beds every day. I also try to stay on top of the kitchen chores, even on the busiest of home-schooling days. The kitchen is the heart of our home, and my heart is at peace when it is tidy.
Freezer – Do you have a separate deep freeze?
Our refrigerator has a tall, narrow freezer on the left-hand side that is worth next to nothing: fruit for smoothies and frozen veggies, that’s about all that will fit.
So yes. We have separate freezer for all of our frozen meat (and pizzas!) in the basement.
Garbage Disposal – Y/N?
Yes, and it gets a work-out. We mostly use it for left-over cereal and the odd bit of mac-n-cheese; however, there have been a couple of spoons and even a dishrag that met an early death at my distracted hands!
Handbook – What is your favorite homemaking resource?
Looking and learning, mostly. I’ll ask my sisters and my friends what works for them and am working hard to make some of the Flylady principals a habit.
Ironing – Love it or hate it?
I don’t mind it, actually. Apart from the girls’ church dresses, though, I don’t really do a lot of it. My husband goes through so many shirts that he has them professionally laundered. I am so very thankful for this; if I had to do his shirts, I’d do little else.
Junk drawer – Y/N? Where is it?
I love my junk drawer! It’s in the kitchen under the computer and is fairly organized, though its contents are highly random!!! For example, right now it contains one of my favorite butterfly hair clasps, a tube of my daughter’s eczema salve, my son’s catechism flash cards and a box top from Hodgson Mill 100% pure corn starch (which I’ve just thrown away). A place for everything and everything in its place–most of the time!
Kitchen: Design & Decorating?
Red walls and matching “fruit-themed” border & valances.
Love – What is your favorite part of homemaking?
Definitely being home with my children. I wouldn’t miss all of this for the world.
Mop – Y/N?
Sometimes. To tell you the truth, this is one homemaking task that gets neglected! We sweep a couple of times a day, but usually I leave the mopping to the cleaning service. I am not ashamed to admit this! This service is a gift from my husband and I just love him for his thoughtfulness.
I used to feel tremendous guilt over “not doing it all myself” until I heard Kimberly Hahn at a conference. She said that she hasn’t cleaned her own bathroom in ten years! Or something to that effect. She spends the time saved home-schooling.
Nylons – Wash by hand or in the washing machine?
Oven – Do you use the window or open the oven to check?
I take a quick peek near the end of the cooking time.
Pizza – What do you put on yours?
My half of the pizza has lots of onions, black olives and mushrooms. As such, it is always my half!
Quiet – What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment?
I love to sit down with a cup of coffee and my planner. I am truly a teacher at heart! And in the morning I get up well before the rest of the house in order to pray, catch up on my favorite blogs and also work on my own.
Recipe card box – Y/N?
Yes. It’s a bit disorganized at the moment because my toddler is fond of emptying it. I also have a binder for the recipes I tear out of magazines and print off the computer.
Truth be told, though, when I am pressed for time I often just do a Google search for the recipe. My computer is right in my kitchen—very handy!
Style of house –
Traditional colonial, I think. It’s a large, four-bedroom, two-story that we bought with the intention of “filling up!” We are three kids richer since we moved in six years ago; so far so good!
Tablecloths and napkins – Y/N?
Cloth tablecloths and napkins for the fancier meals; paper napkins always.
Under the kitchen sink – Organized or toxic wasteland?
Um, let me go check.
Well, it’s in between. We keep it locked on account of our toddler; out of sight, out of mind.
Vacuum – How many times per week?
A couple of times, I’d say. I like to vacuum. You get an instant sense of accomplishment and a mini-workout at the same time.
Wash – How many loads of laundry do you do per week?
“Mount Washmore” is one of my biggest home-making challenges. I am weird in that I love to do the laundry but I abhor putting it away! Why is this? I am working out the kinks at the behest of my ever-patient husband and with the help of Flylady. Two or three loads a day from start to finish is my goal.
X’s – Do you keep a daily list of things to do that you cross off?
Yes. I am a highly distractible, extremely visual person. I need the accountability of a list! (And I love love love to check things off once they are finished.)
Yard – Y/N? Who does what?
Yes, we have a yard. My husband mows the lawn and tends to the roses. I have a little flower bed out front.
Zzz’s – What is your last homemaking task for the day before going to bed?
On a good night, I zip around helping the kids tidy up their rooms before retiring. On a bad night, I lay down on my bed “Just for a moment! I promise!” while Daddy does it all. Which is ultimately quite embarrassing because then for bedtime prayers they will all “gather ‘round Mommy’s carcass” at Dad’s behest.
This in turn has the desired effect of me scuttling quickly out of my cozy environs, like a hermit crab in reverse.
The beautiful thing about homemaking is that my to-do list will keep me busy—right up ‘til the day I die. I say with St. Paul, “But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me has not been ineffective. Indeed, I have toiled harder than all of them…” (I Corinthians 15:10).
I tag sweet Jane, dear Diane, and the ever-lyrical Matilda.
You have such a wonderful sense of humor, Margaret. I love your answers. But rest assured, my home is no museum. O contrare, on most days one would think I had 20 children!
I love reading your meme’s! They are always so interesting and really help us to know you. I agree with the freezer thing, those long skinny freezers are good for nothing, I always spill the water in the ice cube trays trying to fit them in. (our ice maker does not work) And of course, pizza does not fit! Our deep freeze is in our garage. I love to stock up at Sam’s club, so this deep freeze is wonderful!
Cinnamon rolls? I just made some this weekend, and they turned out good, but my frosting recipe was too sweet, could you post your cinnamon roll recipe on your recipe site? 🙂 I surprised my parents (and sis and bro still living at home) with fresh cinnamon rolls yesterday!
How early do you get up every day? Do you get up at the same time each day? I am TRYING to get some order in my life. I know we are called to be orderly. I have read the Mother’s rule book. The baby is irregular with her sleeping habits, so this is always my excuse for sleeping until 7 or right before my husband leaves for work at 7:30!! My goal is to get up early enough to do my prayers and exercise and get ready before they are all up! (hasn’t happened in a really really long time!
I would love to hear about a “typical homeschooling day” from you! Sorry so long today, thank you for sharing so much Margaret, I love you!
Oh, I’m in trouble now! Do I really have to tell everyone how rarely I vacuum and mop?!
Just kidding…thanks for the tag!
Set that guilt free! I had a cleaning service for a while when my oldest three were all under three. It was a lovely gift from my husband and confirmation that the time you spend with your children is more important to him. What a beautiful love note from him!
I would love to hear your thoughts on the Flylady’s system some time. I have tried it before, but found it frustrating. It seemed as thought it was geared more towards women with older children in school. I am not very good about picking out just a few things to try (it’s that darned all or nothing perfectionist again) but if you have been able to, maybe you could talk about what aspects are most helpful and why.
Thanks for the tag!
Your list was so fun to read! Thanks for the smiles.
Wonderful, another mom who admits to using a cleaning service. My ladies left her a few hours ago – Tuesday is ALWAYS my favortie day of the week (Monday always the worst!). Can’t do it all, and I really feel much happier in a clean house.
And I always call my husband to thank him for cleaning the house after the ladies leave.