A brief dissertation on our current status: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
(It’s the New Year. We’re trying to be more integrated.)
To be truthful, I am feeling pudgy and out of shape. Too many treats, too little exercise. I blame this blog; my former habit of spending an hour at the gym has been usurped by Creative Writing 101.
I am seeking balance in this area.
We are so happy to be back in the classroom! At one point, after having been told repeatedly to please focus on his studies, John Michael remarked, “Let’s not take such a long Christmas break next year!” I agreed.
And today is a special day for our little homeschool! It is the feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, the patron saint of our curriculum provider! We are blessed in her and in them.
I think my hormones are finally more stable. My husband thanks them! Still, I am a little sad today. It is the one-year anniversary of our miscarriage—and on the feast of the patron saint of death of children! God’s Will will be done, and I (try to) embrace it.
Not surprisingly, I have been taking stock of where I am at “spiritually.”
And time and time again, my distracted thoughts take me back to this blog.
I am not the only one to be doing so. In my case, it is a desire of seeking balance, yes, but also a very real striving toward creating a blog of “merit,” which granted sounds much more high-falutin’ than I intend it to.
Simply put, I do not want this to be just another “blah blah blog,” that is, little more than the detailed chronicling of where we went, what we did, and what we had for lunch. 😉 I so look up to so many of you Real Learning moms! You are truly blessing the rest of us homeschoolers with your beautiful, helpful blogs.
I do not blog about our educational philosophy very often, mainly because we do use a packaged curriculum and as such, our days are pretty much “cut and dried.” It’s a good fit for our family, and I need to be held accountable.
Still, I wouldn’t mind sharing more of what constitutes Real Learning around here. I’ll try to be better about that—both in the planning of it and the re-telling.
Here is a quote to end on from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (ht: Catholic Culture):
“What was the first rule of our dear Savior’s life? You know it was to do his Father’s will. Well, then, the first end I propose in our daily work is to do the will of God; secondly to do it in the manner he wills; and thirdly, to do it because it is his will. I know what is his will by those who direct me; whatever they bid me do, if it is ever so small in itself, is the will of God for me. Then, do it in the manner he wills it.”
God first, then my husband, then my children, then this blog.
I’ll try to be better at listening to this list on my post-it.
Have a blessed day!
Margerat, your blog is anything but “blah, blah, blah…!” I am daily blessed by reading what you have to say and am so grateful that you share your daily life with us.
I agree with Catherine. I am blessed daily, spiritually by your site. I call the date of my miscarriage “Gabriel’s birthday”. It is the day he went into heaven, how wonderful to have him waiting for us! I am sure your baby in heaven is close to the baby in your womb. God Bless you Margaret. You are in my prayers!
Oh, dear Margaret! You have never (nor, I’m certain, will you EVER) have “just another blah blah blog”! Your heartfelt writing is beautiful and inspiring and ALWAYS a joy to read! But I have to say…it feels so good to know that I’m not the only one “taking stock”, so to speak. Thank you so much for your honesty and candor.
I offer today a prayer for your little one whose life on earth was much too short, and for the precious new life you are blessed to be carrying with you now.
Peace be with you, Margaret!
I would hardly condiser your blog a blah type of blog. I always draw so much from it. You will be in my prayers tonight as you mourn the loss of your little one today.
And I’m sorry I can’t type more but it seems I need to remaster the art of typing one handed while nursing. 🙂
Margaret, I just want to come curl up on the couch in your home one day and smell the wonderful smells that must come from your kitchen, watch your children learn and live and pray. It must be beautiful. Thank you for sharing your ups/downs and in-betweens with us. Prayers for your little one in heaven and the one still growing inside.
Regarding your worries about too much grease, out-of-shape weight gain, etc…I pass along this little spiritual insight that has helped me now with six pregnancies when the devil got inside my head and started telling me this pregnancy thing was ruining my body, making me too fat, lazy and sassy…Whenever I am at Mass and the words of the consecration are said, “This is my body, given up for you” I think of the very small sacrifice I am being asked to offer (my body given up for the life of this little unborn child of God) in contrast to the Body of Christ which was given up in a very much more significant way for all of us.
Prayers and blessings,
Sue, you just brought me to tears.
Thank you, everyone, for your prayers and for your friendship! You are welcome in my kitchen anytime.
I am trying to step back a little from my computer usage. I seemed to have found so many wonderful Catholic homeschoolers … an absolute blessing to me, but at the same time I am utilizing my computer a bit much 😉
Next year will be my first year homeschooling. I have Seton info, but I am not sure that will be the route I will take. I would love to hear your take on it. My girls are currently enrolled in a local Catholic school.
Elaine (mom to 5 girls … 11,9, 6, 4, and 19 months)
Don’t go away Margaret, I would miss you!
Margaret, I visit most of the RL blogs, but not all of them every day. But I DO come to your site every morning before I start my day. There’s no “blah” in your blog. You inspire, entertain, humor and educate all of us! Of course family and home must come first, and we all must keep that in mind, so thank you for the reminder.
I, obviously, love your site. And I’ll be praying for you and your loss. I am so thankful that God has sent you another little baby.