Jane at Blackberry Brambles has proposed sharing pictures of the view from our kitchen sink.
I was hugely inspired by this idea—a simple notion and yet, such a gesture of friendship. After all, the kitchen sink is where we live, breathe, pray, watch the children playing out back, and (if you’re like me) heave the occasional sigh.
Who wouldn’t want a friend to join us?
Here is the view from Jane’s window.
Here is the view from Diane’s. Talk about cute kitchen help!
Here is one of the views from Suzanne’s.
Here are a couple of views chez Elizabeth. I love love love the artistic valances!
And here is the kitchen chez Marjorie’s moulin.
Here is Cheryl’s bright & sunny kitchen. (My favorite part, of course, is the baby on the rug.)
Here are some views shared by our favorite dancer, Matilda.
And another, this time a very cozy shot of Melissa’s lovely window.
This window must see a lot of activity, as it is located in the home of one of everybody’s favorite naturalists, Dawn.
This window, too, sees action, as our much-loved Cajun Cay has five beautiful children and an always fun, always bustling home.
Isn’t Ruth’s kitchen and view from the window lovely? I love the red and yellow!
And speaking of yellow, Paula’s kitchen is also very pretty! Kitchens and the color yellow are often the best of friends, I think.
Theresa’s kitchen sink has all the thoughtful little touches that you would expect from such a sweet lady: flowers on top of the cupboards, brightly colored mugs & boxes of tea nestled in the nooks, and a cute little snowman to keep her company as she blesses her family each day.
Lisbet’s photo of her kitchen sink comes with a set of lyrics that you may well want to print out and tape to your kitchen cupboard: Marie Bellet’s Without You.
My dear Texan friend ‘Meg has posted a triple perspective of her kitchen, and it is as lovely and inviting a room as any I’ve seen.
You must visit go visit Michelle at her kitchen sink, if not just to gaze in wonder and in love at all those little faces in her website banner!
KC’s photos, too, include a cute little cherub or two from her gang at The Cabbage Patch. To stop by and say hello to KC is always to say, “Oh! Aren’t they just sweet?”
You have to click on Mary Ellen’s photo to get the full perspective. How fun! It’s like, what’s to the right of the curtain?
Bridget’s sink looks warm & friendly. That’s the same impression I have of her!
Sarah’s kitchen, too, has all the essentials: a nice, big table; a cute little kid; and coffee!!!
To see a copy of Still Life with Blue View and Lemons, please visit Laura’s kitchen. Very cool photo.
Michele’s kitchen comes complete with three indentured servants. I’m jealous; not only do they seem willing to be there, they are also very cute.
Tell me, do you not think the view from this mom’s kitchen ranks among the best? She says that the sunsets are so beautiful that she almost (but not quite) takes them for granted.
And finally, here is the view from my kitchen (a double perspective):
Can you tell in the second shot that my sink is nice and shiny? 🙂
It’s true that when my kitchen is clean my head feels more in order. Having a friend come by to help me clean is even better!
So, friend. Feeling sad and lonely as you stand there at your sink? Post a photo! And we’ll join you!
In the spirit of friendship…
and with love.
Ed. note: I just discovered a beautiful post that Suzanne did back in September. (Well, Suzanne referred to it in her comment!) I missed this post the first time around! Suzanne, I love your idea that the kitchen sink is the “main artery” of the heart of our home, the kitchen. I tried and tried to think up a similar metaphor and couldn’t come up with anything!
Oh, Margaret! Do you know, I just happened to take a picture of my kitchen sink today? Isn’t that funny! I will have to post mine tomorrow. 🙂
Yours is just lovely!
Well, no wonder why I’m getting so many visitors at my blog today!
Thank you, dear friend. How I wish you could stop by to see the view in person.
Love the quote by Lewis. It’s exactly how I feel every time I come here. But I’m a bit green over that beautiful white view you have from that sparkling sink—nothing but rain here. 🙁
I love this kitchen sink idea. I wrote a post last september about my kitchen sink. Hmmm…
OK, come on over to MA and join me.
What a cute, impromptu loveliness fair 🙂 I have a picture that I will have to post today.
My pictures are up. Thanks for giving me the motivation to make sure it was clean before we head off to Mass. It will be much nicer to come home to later!
This is so funny- I have been telling my husband that through the midst of our renovations, all I want is to have a beautiful area around my kitchen sink. I must show him this post and the comments to further my case. 🙂
Margaret, I LOVE this! Thanks so much for sharing your lovely view, and for beginning this impromptu carnival of sorts. I just posted a view from my window on my blog!
Thank you for doing this. I knew you could pull it off! I’m enjoying “meeting” all these new friends at their kitchen sinks.
God bless. Let us know how the sonogram went. Prayers for you today.
This is great, Margaret! Everyone seems to be enjoying it!
Your sink is immaculate. I love Flylady. The pictures are great. I love your kitchen. Thanks for doing this. How fun!!!
Here is my post:
I’m sure i must have the smallest window…and backyard!
I love these peeks into everyone’s homes!!
Here’s mine: http://kcpowers.typepad.com/the_cabbage_patch/2007/01/kitchen_sink.html
I found this late into the game, but I posted
my pictures anyway, because this is just such a great idea! (The link is: http://snoringscholar.blogspot.com/2007/01/my-view-from-kitchen-sink.html)
You and your family are in my prayers, Margaret. Thank you for the beautiful witness of your blog.
I’m pretty late to this too but here is my submission anyway:
I know I’m way behind everyone else – I’m new to the universe of blogging – though I’ve had a blog for awhile, I haven’t been out in “blogspace” very much until recently. When I saw everyone’s sinks I felt I had to join in. I absolutely love my kitchen sink, and I wanted to share it with everyone!
Here’s the link:
There’s a decent selection of sinks for your kitchen available in all styles and materials. Take a look and I hope this helps people out!