Look what I just found in my “Edit Posts” box…way down at the bottom.
My lesson in humility for today (well, there have been other ones) is to go ahead and post it, even though the Carnival was a month ago.
Mainly because I love a list, and I have especially loved these Rules of Six. I am going to print them out and post them someplace conspicuous, like, above my computer!
So here we go:
- Give your children hugs & kisses & cuddles galore. Wear a colorfast lipstick if necessary.
- Spend time with other families who have great kids just like yours! 😉 Fun & friendships are important.
- Expose your children to the great works of literature, art and music. Who cares if your friends think you’re pretentious? Just don’t be a jerk about the fact that you enjoy such things.
- Surround your kids with stacks & stacks & stacks of books. Bring a laundry basket to the library for your selections (seriously). Be at peace with paying late fees.
- Live the Liturgical year, even if that sometimes means learning right alongside them. “Oh! Today’s the Feast of St. Hermenegild! That’s so cool.” Woop it up on All Saints’ Day. Visit a cemetery on All Souls’. Above all, show them how a fast should precede the great feast days, i.e. the seasons of Lent and Advent.
- Finally, show your children on a daily basis that Mommy & Daddy:
–Pray, both individually and as a couple
–Say they’re sorry when they’ve offended someone, be it each other or the kids.
–Hug & kiss & cuddle one another!In all things, begin and end with love!
Colorfast lipstick to the witness of prayer– practical and inspiring. Great rule of six!
I love the rule about celebrating the Liturgical Calendar, even if it means learning along with the children. Why do you think I love homeschooling so much? I get a good Catholic education from my girls!
I love that you included the importance of marriage. We try to do that here as well.
Your rules are wonderful and inspiring! Sometimes I get so caught up in everything we need to do that I forget that taking the time to foster friendships for my children is important. I need to remember to “Spend time with other families who have great kids just like yours [and mine]! ;)”
I love your list Margaret! Laundry basket…good idea! I bring a huge bag and fill it so full I have to carry the baby and put the bag and extra books in the stroller! With Advent coming soon, could you post some ideas of fasting for yourself and the kids? It’s such an exciting time and so much fun for the kids! God Bless you!
Loved it that your “Rules satrted and ended with hugs and kisses!!
One of the best parenting tools I ever heard was sto hug hug hug. And to something to praise three times for every time you scold!!
God Bless
Typed too fast!!
Loved it that your “Rules started and ended with hugs and kisses!!
One of the best parenting tools I ever heard was to hug hug hug. And to find something to praise 3 to 1- praise something three times for every time you scold or correct- even if it is a little thing like “you tied your shoelaces!”!!
God Bless
Colorfast lipstick is an important point!
Love it and your list!