(From this Blog 😉 )
So here I am, sheepishly admitting that 30 Posts in 30 Days is SO not a doable goal at this time. Did you win the bet? What do I owe you?
I blame this crew for giving me a solid push off the good-resolution wagon:
…because we went camping on Sunday and wouldn’t you know? I totally forgot to pack my computer!
I did, however, remember my camera.
It was a very, very, very nice getaway.
Much-needed and well worth losing my bet. 😉
You owe us a trip to Alaska. Pony up.
It’s a deal! I’ll let John know the sordid consequences of his wife’s gambling.
Yay you!
Life as a family is great but when holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, etc arrive. Oh boy does life get crazy! Your’er doing fine. Not to worry. Those pictures are lovely and better than words.