My Responses to all your Burning Questions 😛
Kind of.
Not really?
Yesterday was just hard in general. I cried at Mass because everyone–my kids included–just barreled out the door after the final blessing, except for one sweet man in a Vikings jersey. Head bent low over his clasped hands, he was oblivious to the noise of the departing crowds.
Heart melted. Tears flowed.
And then this whole blogging daily thing. It’s been good for me–very good–in that I’m sitting down to write; I’m just DOING It. I’ve even made a calendar of blog topics I’ll be tackling! Sometimes, though, I have neither a clue nor the time, and I end up disappointed with the results.
(“Ask me a Question?” That’s more than a bit presumptuous!)
Plus the interactive nature of blogging really isn’t there anymore. Longtime bloggers & readers have seen this, I’m sure. People are doing the real talking over on Facebook and Twitter.
Periscope! Wow, what a fun medium! I watched one of Lissa’s and had the socks charmed right off me. If only I hung out at Twitter, which I currently don’t, I might take it on as a fun new discipline.
(Because, you know, I need more discipline.)
(Mopping the floor weekly’s just not enough.)
Going for a walk with my daughter: WAY WAY BETTER than mopping the floor.
So without further adieu, even though I’m good at adieu, here are the answers to the questions you posed.
Joan asked via Facebook, “What time of day do you blog?”
Lately it’s a crap shoot, Joan. With this insane decision to blog daily, I have to fit it in whenever I can, but in a perfect world I would do it when I’m in the zone, which is (roughly) from 6:00 to 8:00 a.m.
(But then there’s prayer & exercise & getting the school kids out the door, so clearly I need to get up at 4:00.)
Erin asked “What did you buy at Candyland? I work downtown and often buy their popcorn, but rarely buy candy. Any recommendations?”
Candyland, Candyland.
Oh my heart.
We just discovered it last Wednesday and already we needed to go back on Saturday. I gotta say, the Chicago Mix popcorn is the clear winner, (I’m a salty/crunchy kinda gal), but we also like the licorice (black and red), the jawbreakers, and the Coca-Cola gummies.
Tell you what, Erin. We’ll keep a running tally of all our favorites. : )
Mary asked, “How is your oldest son liking college? And how does it seem at home without him there?”
He likes it, Mary! Although he complains about not getting enough sleep (he’s in the Honors program) and keeps asking me to buy him energy drinks (I don’t) and was incredibly broke until he got a job at Buffalo Wild Wings.
How is it at home? Less stressful and more stressful, depending on the day. I’m learning to let go in a dozen different ways, but none of them are very easy. More on that later, probably.
And finally, Janine asked a very interesting question that I plan to tackle in its own blog post. Hope you’re okay with that, Sweetie! ‘Cause I need more time to take that one on.
And now I have a question for you. I am posing it humbly, hat in hand, because…well…I have nothing to lose but (potentially) everything to gain. We want to go home to see my mom and dad for Thanksgiving, but because there are nine of us, I feel bad about making them put us up overnight. We overwhelm the poor 93-year-old sweeties, you know?
Yet we can’t afford a hotel room. 🙁
So I am wondering if maybe…you could…possibly…help? A $5.00 donation via my PayPal button? And I’ll take lots of photos and fill you in on all of North Dakota’s charms?
{Signing off now before I lose my nerve.}
{Now you know why I tagged this post “Shameless Bleg.”}
I do not read blogs every day…more like every other week….maybe at most once/week. I blog even less!
I struggle more with wanting to workout and go to Mass daily, I end up over sleeping and not doing either. And feeling guilty all stinking day. Over and over I go through this.
Last week, going to 7am Mass on All Soul’s, it came to me, that I LOVE starting my week with Mass. (besides Sunday) SO, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. I don’t’ have to do workouts every single day (although, I’d like to) But I’d go to early Mass Mon/Wed and noon Mass on Tues (Tues are hard but if we finish school in time, I’d try) Thurs/Friday….and workout early on the noon Mass days.
I did good last week, except for Thursday, I neither worked out or went to Mass….but have Adoration at 10pm…that counts, right?
Anyway, my point is not to be so hard on yourself. All in balance….all in balance….it is key. But it’s finding that balance that works for each of us. That is hard part and that is where Grace comes in. (and is SO very needed)
Blessings my friend, I hope you get home to see your parents. Don’t you have an awesome sister Yvonne that could put you all up? If I lived near your folks, you could stay here!! You can potty break on your way there and back though!! 🙂
Sweet Jamie, your words “finding that balance is the hard part” made me cry. Gosh, I need grace to see me through! It’s hard not to be hard on myself, though, especially when I screw up…and I think I did with this post. (See bottom comment.)
Margaret, I have a thought. If you could afford one hotel room for the duration of your visit, then maybe you could split the family up. Half in the room one night, and half in the room the other night.
I wish I could help you. Hubby is only contract working right now, and that ends at the end of December. But I understand how expensive it can be to get a hotel room (or hotel roomS) for 9 people. Any way your oldest could help a little bit since he has a new job? Or, can you take on a photog job quick to help make the money? OR sell some unneeded homeschool stuff to help out? Or take some clothes to Once Upon a Child to get some cash? Sell something on Craigslist?
Just some ideas.
Joy, these are all helpful suggestions. Thank you, Sweetie. I love you!
Hi, Margaret.
I’ve been reading your blog for many years. Your family is beautiful.
However, since your husband lost his job and the more recent hotel development, you’ve asked for money twice.
A few thoughts: get a job. Do I remember correctly you have a Masters degree? A college degree, at least?
I understand you value homeschooling but may I suggest your family needs income more than home education?
I’ve heard MN has great public schools.
Enroll them tomorrow and alleviate some of the financial burden from your spouse. Most importantly, stop asking for money if, no other reason, it emasculates your spouse.
I think it takes great humility to ask for help.
Forgive me Griffin, but if you have been reading Margaret for years, then you’d know that about her. You’d know her fears and worries. You’d know her parents are elderly and her mother is ill. You’d know her parents are several hours away. You’d know how much she yearns to be with them, cherishing her last few years with them.
You’d know that she is a budding photographer and trying to make extra money with her God-given talents with writing and photography.
If you’ve been reading her for years, then, you’ve made a friend, even if only a one way friendship.
Oh, it’s so hard to be merciful. Especially when we become the judges of what we think merits mercy.
I always tell myself when people need things that maybe I don’t think they need (not meaning you Mags in this post) and they are asking for help, then, God has put them in my path that day.
Always lift people up, please don’t tear them down. Be merciful.
How do you think she felt after reading your comment? Do you think she cried? She did.
She’s brought so much joy to my life by her writing, that the very least I can do for her is help her out when she’s down.
I will remember you in prayer.
*if for no other reason
Uffda, Griffin. This was a hard comment to receive but I understand why you wrote it.
First, thank you for signing your name. I respect that.
Second, yes, I do have a teaching degree and I do value homeschooling, but we do not homeschool through highschool Our kids attend a private school up the road from the 7th grade on.
(Yes, we receive financial aid.)
I wondered, after asking for donations, if my husband would mind. He didn’t seem to, but receiving your perspective is helpful to me. I guess I view this blog as a sort of job, but in retrospect it seems crass to beg. Forgive me.
Margaret, I don’t subscribe to magazines but read your blog instead (which is much better for me – mind and soul.) I do think that you are correct in viewing your blog as a job. You do a great job at it! I bet your husband views it as a job of your also. Enjoy your visit home. Also, take lots of pictures even if your Mom is not in the best health. I really wish I would have taken more pictures of my Dad toward the end.
I agree that this blog is like a job for you and it is certainly a blessing for your readers. So you deserve to be supported by your readers if they so choose, kind of like NPR. If they don’t choose, that’s fine too. But I’m glad you asked. I can’t always give, but this time I could make a small donation and was happy to do so. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your parents!
Great comments.
Margaret, I hope you make it home for the holidays, and that your financial situation improves.
Peace, love, and all the good stuff.