Today is my birthday. I am 49 years old.
{That’s okay. I don’t mind if you gasp.}
Once upon a time, I looked like this:
Now, however, I look like this:
Okay, not really. That’s just how I feel some days.
Actually, I look like this:
Saying goodbye to 48!
(Photo credit: Felicity, who sighed and set aside her homework in order to indulge her Manhattan-drinking momma.)
The eyes are older but the little girl’s still there…the one that needs love & hugs & & lots and LOTS of attention. I’m working on that last part, mind you! It’s much better to give than receive, I know, but my temperament is such that I’ve always been needy.
(It’s a “baby of the family” thing.)
I do love a good birthday, though–always have and always will (I hope). For that reason, I want to give YOU a gift. This book:
…is life-changing, and I want you to read it.
Sarah Mackenzie is doing great good on the internet. I wouldn’t be me without her, and that is not an understatement. And here’s the thing: you don’t have to be a homeschooler to gain the peace that this book offers! Her Teaching from Rest philosophy has saved me from myself on many a day, which seems a contradiction, right? I wouldn’t be me without this book, and yet, this book’s what saved from me?
We are all a compilation. The good…the bad…the ugly…the needy…it’s all there inside of us, and if we’re to be who we’re called to be…
That is to say, the very best version of ourselves…
Then we need grace and hope and trust and LOVE, emphasis on that last word in CAPS. We need to believe in God’s love for us, and we need to trust that it will be okay. On the days when we’re completely tapped out; on the days when people let us down; on the days when we feel fat or sad or lonely…
He is there, His arms outstretched.
How do I know this? I’m old! I’ve lived it!
And so, dear friend, let me share this book with one lucky reader. I wish I could send everyone a copy, but I’m cheap and so I can’t. I’m sorry. Love my needy me anyway? But for one of you, one lucky reader, I DO have a copy that I’ll have Sarah sign for you.
She’s just that awesome. I know she will.
Meanwhile, friend, take Sarah’s advice to heart:
Maybe your task seems impossible. In fact, it probably is impossible! So is walking on water, and Jesus didn’t seem to strain much to help Peter do that. Even Peter! Sinful, prideful, impulsive Peter! The one who rejected the Lord at His time of need–the one whom the Lord called from a fisherman’s small and insignificant life to fulfill a place in His kingdom that we can barely comprehend.
If we cry out, He will immediately reach out His hand.
Fix your eyes on Jesus. Don’t you dare take your eyes off Him, because you will surely sink. And when you do, cry out. O you, of little faith, why did you doubt? He’s got this. He always did.
To enter my give-away, please say a prayer for a special intention. (It’s a big one but I can’t say what it is.) Once you’ve done that, leave a comment to say so.
Boom! You’re in like Flynn.
Have a beautiful day. ♥
Prayer said for your special intention. I hope everything works out okay.
Prayer said and will be remembered. It’s Friday and Happy Happy Birthday!
Memorare said! Happy birthday!
Prayers have been sent up. 🙂
Prayer said-Happy Birthday!!
Prayed The Memorare just now for your intention. Have a blessed birthday!
Memorare has been prayed for your intentions. Many blessings.
10 Memoares for you my dear!
Happy, happy birthday, beautiful! Prayers for you! Thank you for sharing so beautifully!
Sending my prayers for your special intention. We are almost birthday twins- I turn 49 on 10/10;)
I love the pic of the Queen and her Manhattan!
Beautiful is what I wish for you today … I wish
you a beautiful day knowing you are loved.
and called!
Happy Birthday Margaret
Happy birthday, friend! May God bless you (and your special intention).
If you were born on the first, we would be birthday twins. Said some prayers for your intention.
I just prayed for you and you special intention. Happy Birthday!!
My dear Margaret I said a prayer for you and your special intention. I asked God to bless your year.
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Praying for your special intention. Happy Birthday!
Praying for your special intention. Have a wonderful birthday Margaret!
Prayers for your intention my dear!
Hope you have a fantastic birthday!
I offered a prayer for your special intentions and will add you to my family’s rosary..
Prayed a Hail Mary. Happy Birthday!
Hi Margaret, happiest birthday and many blessings!! Prayers sent for your special intention. 🙂
Happy Birthday and may the year ahead be full of blessings! I said a prayer for you.
praying for your intention and wishing you a lovely birthday.
Happy birthday! (Lovely feast day to be born on). My prayer has been offered for your intention.
Happy birthday! My husband’s birthday is today. I said a prayer for your intention, but don’t include me in the drawing. I own Sarah’s book and love it! So generous of you to give a gift on your birthday!
Happy birthday! What a great day to have a birthday on the feast of the Guardian Angels. It is my son’s birthday also so I just love this day. Prayers for you.
Just prayed for your intention, and I thought of you several times today, as you share a birthday with my grandma. Hope it was a happy day!
Praying for your intention my dear birthday girl! Come see us again. We have more kittens!
If I enter and win, people will think it’s rigged. But here goes anyway! I’m sure your readers trust you, right?
Besides, I’d love that book!
Happy birthday sweet Maggie!
Love to you on this special day!
Prayers said!
Oh, and happiest of birthdays!
Prayers said!! and if the giveaway is still open I’d love to win the book. I have the older ebook version and need to read it again. I’m 49 too since June.
Prayers and Happy Birthday
Dearest Margaret:
I said the Memorare and Hail Mary for your intentions.
Prayer said! Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!!!