An Early Lenten Check-In
I think that the theme of this season is being decided for me. It’s “Death to Self”, or, “I’m OCD to the Nth Degree and have NO Control over my Surroundings.” (Take your pick. The first phrasing’s probably more succinct.)
Which means…
I’m being called to be meek more often than not, and am being asked to smile when all I want to do is pout. Don’t these people realize that my job as a mom is at stake here? That I’m supposed to be bossy and keep them in line, and when they balk I’m supposed to nag?
The messy table I can {usually} handle. It’s the mucked-up attitudes that discourage me.
I want to fix both them and me.
“Seriously?” I whispered to him in the laundry room. “You bought them slushies during Lent?!”
And yet…
We are reminded in the Gospel today that the Pharisees were oh-so-righteous, and yesterday we were admonished to not condemn. Maybe my Lent is to see the good in others–and when they fall, or balk, or pout, I need to hightail it to the desert (i.e. prayer) and reboot.
Like I said in this post at the start of Lent, it’s hard to keep my expectations in check.
And yet I know–I know–that all we really need is ♥.
Margaret, I always have such grand plans for Lent. . . The last few years since I've been wheelchair bound things have not worked out so well so this year I decided to let God be in charge and just take each day as the gift it is and see what I was supposed to learn from it. In the beginning I was afraid it might be a kind of cop out but as the days go by I'm finding He keeps me supplied with opportunities for growth beyond any I could have devised. So relax, Mom of many in MN and follow where He leads you!
I'm trying, Irish Gram! Trying to follow Him, that is. : )
Hi Margaret, first of all, your pictures are just lovely. I mean really, really nice. I hope you are printing out and framing a bunch of them.
Second, how did you hear what I have been contemplating in my heart? I had grand plans for myself for lent but yes, God is having his way instead. I need to roll with it and get onto the track with his will. In the "Our Daily Bread" prayer book (you had recommended it awhile back and I just love it) part of one prayers ends, "May Your will be ever accomplished in my life." I wrote that out and am repeating it over and over again. Hope it will stick. 🙂
Betsy, that's really nice of you to say. I should try to print more of my photos but for now the big project is an album for Joe's Eagle Scout Court of Honor. Yikes! I should not be blogging 'til I get that thing done. ; )
Parenting is all about learning humility and sanctification. If we do it right!
Really? I thought parenting {teens} was about opening a can of Whoop A * *. ; )