I have exactly one hour before I meet my friend Tracy for pizza.
(I love meeting Tracy! Especially when she offers to treat.☺)
That means, however, this must be quick quick quick, like one of those stream-of-consciousness exercises you do in high school English.
Lethel Chocolate Peppermint Cake
Or was it college Creative Writing?
I forget, because I is old.
Stories! On a Sunday! Because it’s good to remember the events that make us smile. My Francis, for example, WILL BE TWO (!) in three weeks. His language skills are taking off, which is fun and funny and probably way overdue.
“Francis, can you say ‘me’?”
“Can you say ‘ham’?”
“Can you say ‘pickle’?”
He shook his head no.
(Seriously, Mom? A two-syllable word is asking WAY too much)
I sent my husband to store on Thanksgiving morning because I needed ingredients for my appetizer.
“Do you have any dates?” he asked a female employee.
Her eyes narrowed. Should she take offense?
“You know,” he added, “Like giant raisins?”
At that point she became much more friendly.
Finally, our pastor’s sermon hit close to home today. What are our attachments, little and big? And can we somehow be purified of them this Advent?
I went through my smart phone (you know, the one that’s making me dumb) and uninstalled Facebook, Netflix and my beloved Candy Crush.
I want to read more this Advent and simply be more this Advent.
I want to not put that dumb phone first.
Happy New {Liturgical} Year, everyone! Are you doing anything fun and/or challenging?
With love and a multitude of Advent blessings,
Birthday blessings to your daughter. That cake looks and sounds DELICIOUS!!
Well, I uninstalled Edina Realty. {holy indifference, holy indifference} Give my apologies to the Birthday Girls for stealing you away today!
Is that a new category, "Honest Blogging?" Love it!
I'm going to celebrate Advent (at least minimally) on my own for the first time in my life.
The only time I ever did anything for Advent was when I lived with an Episcopalian family. I know the order of lighting the candles, and that there are these things called, "O Antiphons," (which I first heard about on blogs…and I'm 49), but that's it.
I was sitting in Mass yesterday when I looked at the Advent wreath and thought, "Maybe I should buy an Advent wreath," but then thought it was too late to find one. I wondered if our church's tiny gift shop would be open after Mass and have them. I got my answer when Father mentioned just before Mass ended that the gift shop had Advent wreaths for sale. So, I purchased a very simple wreath – really, it's a metal circle that holds four tapered candles, and I purchased the candles. I'm about to go light them and say prayers. So that's how I'm starting the liturgical year.
Oh my goodness! I was thinking the same thing yesterday about my phone. Wanting to spend less time messing around on the foolish thing and more time reading!
Praying you will be successful, pray for me too?
Ha! I did the same thing with my phone! Deleted Words With Friends, Instagram, Twitter, and FB. Now I can read!
Happy birthday to your sweet daughter, and Francis!!! Can't believe he's 2…little honey!
I can't stand doing Facebook on my phone….not going to try to like it either, just not going to do it. It did come in handy having a smart phone to check msgs on the trip though…and weather…I think we use it most for weather.
Happy Advent friend!!